CaixaBank will close hundreds of branches throughout Spain

It has offices open, double that of BBVA and 1,700 more than Banco Santander Isidro Fainé dispenses with Juan María Nin at Caixabank due to personal differences Felipe VI missed Isidro Fainé . How to return Javier Monzón (Indra) to the fold Isidro Fainé and Josep Oliu respond ‘no’ to the proposal to be the head of the anti-independence movement Caixa Bank headquarters in Barcelona. CaixaBank headquarters in Barcelona. New air at the top of CaixaBank with the landing of Gonzalo Gortázar as vice president and CEO, replacing Juan María Nin. Isidro Fainé’s number two already has the mandate to lead the entity’s strategic plan for 2015-2018, which will contemplate the closure of a significant number of branches. As has learned from financial sources, Gortázar is in charge of Fainé to undertake a profound restructuring of the entity’s network and adapt it to the decline in the banking business in Spain, which will require the closure of branches.

This thinning of the network is imposed

They explain, because the bank has a market share of 15% in business volume, and has 17% of the number of bank branches open in Spain. Specifically, Caixa Bank has 5,716 branches Australia Phone Number List  compared to BBVA’s 3,230 and Santander’s 4,067. At the top of the entity it is also taken into account that in most European countries there are 33% fewer offices per inhabitant than in Spain . In addition, customer visits to branches are being reduced at the system level by 6%, which makes it advisable to reduce operating costs in this way. The acquisitions of Banco de Valencia and Banca Cívica have already forced the Catalan financial group to lay off 20% of its employees and close 25% of its operating offices .

An average family with two children with contracted

power and 3,900 kWh of annual consumption will receive a refund of 33.2 euros . Mitigate the rise with returns According to the sources consulted, the increases in the next two months  Algeria Phone Number List will partially compensate the electricity companies for these refunds that they are already making on the receipts invoiced since last July 1. But not all are good news. As these refunds have to be made by the companies before August 31, the most significant increase will be noticed by consumers on the September bill, in which they will have to pay these 10 extra euros practically in full . In the August bill, this increase will be mitigated by the refund corresponding to each user. This will at the same time help electricity companies to partly ‘camouflage’ the rise and soften consumer criticism.

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