This lack of motivation has been highlighted

Requirement the Commission took into account a complaint from the Italian. Association of Low Cost Companies in which. The compatibility with free provision of services. This lack of motivation within the meaning of article. TFEU of an Italian regulation that imposed a minimum remuneration. Requirement such as that contained in the contested. Measurethe resolution states. For all the above the General Court considers that the Commission should have. Ruled more clearly on the relevance of Article.  TFEU for the purposes of its examination of the. Compatibility of the measure at issue with the internal market.

Court of Justice of the European

Union PRESENTBuying votes can carry penalties of up to three years in prison. The law punishes those who through rewards gifts remuneration or promises thereof solicit. The vote of any voter or induce them to abstain. Two investigations against vote buying. This lack of motivation are taking place in Melilla and Mojácar. These are two plots of very different. Dimensions and not related to each Whatsapp Number List other  in which different public officials have been arrested. In Melilla its president has dismissed the councilor of the Coalition for Melilla who was. Investigated for his participation in the plot that would. Have tried to buy thousands of votes .

This party and the PP would

The two formations that have tried to capture votes in the autonomous city according to Cadena SER . In the frameWork of an investigation against vote buying. They were number  and  of this formation in the town. The first has been removed and the second who is not. A member has been CA Cell Numbers asked to reject the minutes if he is elected. In different parts of the country the National Police and the. Civil Guard are investigating whether there are signs of crime.

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