Outbound marketing: everything you need to know about this strategy and how to apply it

Do you know what Outbound Marketing is? How to apply it? What are its pros and cons? Learn

everything about it with this post!

Customer acquisition is one of the most important processes in any business. After all, the customer

is the company’s main asset, and what justifies its very existence.

For this reason, prospecting (also called  pre-selling ) is a process discussed daily by managers and

salespeople who are clearly focused on the goal and generating more income for their company.

Since prospecting is the starting point for winning a new customer, the strategy chosen by the team

will dictate the entire path that the lead will take in their journey — from the awareness stage to the

purchase decision.

Currently, there are two ways to prospect new clients: passively, through  Inbound marketing , and

actively, with Outbound marketing.

efficient way to prospect. However, companies like HubSpot, Salesforce, and Samba Tech continue to

invest in Outbound processes for one simple reason: it works!

If you still don’t know what we’re talking about or if you’re not sure that Outbound may be the right

strategy for you, in this post we’ll answer the following questions.

Outbound Marketing vs. Inbound Marketing: What are the differences?

There are several analogies that seek to explain netherlands telegram data what Inbound and Outbound are: Inbound is fishing for clients with a rod, while Outbound is fishing with a net; Inbound is attracting the public with a magnet, and Outbound is using a loudspeaker to capture attention.

Getting straight to the point and in an objective manner, Outbound marketing is the active prospecting strategy, and Inbound is the passive prospecting strategy.

While in Inbound you create mechanisms to attract potential clients, in Outbound you identify who has the potential to become a client and you make an approach.

When we talk about active prospecting, many people dismiss the idea as telemarketing . If you are one of those people, I want you to know that this is just one example of active prospecting.

Other examples:

  • Posters and banners on websites,
  • radio, TV and even YouTube ads,
  • Facebook Ads,
  • Google AdWords,
  • and much more!

That is to say, Outbound is more present in your routine than you imagine and occupies an important place in companies’ investments, especially Outbound 2.0, which has become the main sales strategy in Silicon Valley. And that’s what we’re going to talk about now!

The fall of traditional Outbound and the rise of Outbound 2.0

It is a fact that the arrival of the Internet roles that a community manager assumes in a company changed the way marketing works. With the appearance of search tools such as Google, any company that works well on its  Search Engine Optimization  (SEO) achieves a good position in the results and can be found by its public.

In addition, it is a much cheaper strategy than investing, for example, in a television advertisement, and the return is easier to measure, since there are tools such as  Google Analytics , which measure the success of these actions.

Then, the need also arose to produce quality content, capable of attracting more visitors to the site and, consequently, generating more sales.

Thus,  content marketing  began to be handled professionally by companies such as Rock Content itself. And, by adopting content marketing, startups were able to attract several clients passively.

Because of this factor, Outbound marketing came to be seen as the ugly duckling. While it required a whole team of sales experts to generate results, Inbound brought performance with a lower investment in people.

Experienced salespeople are often terrible prospectors. Likewise, good prospectors have difficulty maintaining the prospecting pace when they have X number of clients.

When you put your salespeople in charge of taking care of every single customer throughout the entire buying journey, you’re overtaxing your team and wasting your employees’ skills.

Plus, there’s no point in wasting your salespeople’s time randomly prospecting if you have the means to find out who actually has the potential to be a customer.

The solution Aaron Ross proposed is simple: instead of having “jack of all trades” offering your product to anyone, segment the team into 3 levels.

5 advantages of outbound marketing for your company


Faster ROI

Inbound marketing takes time to generate g seo work results, as SEO construction is something that yields a return in the medium and long term. Outbound marketing manages to reach your audience from the moment the company decides to start prospecting.

While you are still struggling to bring visitors to your site, Outbound can bring customers to your business in as little as a week, depending on your sales cycle.

Therefore, the return on investment occurs more quickly.

Ease of measuring results

If you do a good job of analyzing your process data, information such as purchasing seasonality, customer behavior, and the ideal pitch are fresh in your mind.

Following this data, the trend is that your conversion rates will reach good levels and that you will be able to better direct your strategies.

Furthermore, as we have already mentioned regarding the speed of ROI, Outbound generates fast results. This means that you get a sample for analysis in less time.

Then, your premises are validated and you are able to make decisions based on quantitative and qualitative data.

Ease of finding professionals in the area

The traditional sales market has existed for millennia, and without going into the merit of technical quality, there is no shortage of sellers in the world.

The only area that has not yet been extensively worked on is Business Intelligence, a process that emerged only recently. All other functions are already well-known to professionals in the segment.

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