I also used this teaser on my website to advertise this product

CPAseti.com is an actively developing new generation network with a convenient personal account and a variety of offers on various topics.
The first thing you need to do is register on the affiliate aggregator website. Then we analyze the offers that are there and choose those that are most interesting to us, those that will be interesting to write articles about.

For example, if we are interested in writing

About children, we choose “affiliate programs” with children’s goods, if loans – bank offers, etc. And then the long and hard work will begin, which in the long term will bring you good results.

Case study on website america phone number list monetization using the CPAseti affiliate program
For one of my women’s sites I recently used an offer from CPAseti.com. I want to share the results and clearly illustrate how this happens, that is, how to “debug” this earning scheme.

First, register on CPAseti: nothing complicated, follow the instructions, enter the data, and after you receive a letter by mail, go to the site as a confirmed user. After that, a personal assistant will contact you via Skype, to whom you can ask any questions.

Next, we select an offer that matches the site’s theme

How to do this is shown on the screen.

A little lower in this category I found this offer. Breast enlargement is a sore subject for many women, so I thought this cream would be a success. And I was right!


I added it to my my website offers. The adb directory advertiser offered me several landing page options to use – I chose the first one.

And also pre-landings – this time I chose long-term effects of this increase the second one. You can read about what pre-landing is and for what purposes it is used in this community.


After confirming my website my choice, a referral link became available to me, which I added to several articles on the site.



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