Reuters Institute is difficult to preict the long-term effects of this increase in trust. According to the Reuters Institute. This “aura of trust” towards the meia could quickly disappear. The especially when we start to discuss the “world after”. Climate The objectivity. The disinformation. public concerns If meia Long-term effects of outlets want to build on the trust gaine during the pandemic. The they must respond to readers’ concerns in a relevant way.
The majority (69%) consider
climate change to be a serious problem . 47% of people say business to consumer database the news meia provides accurate information on climate. The but they are also criticize for coverage that is not bold enough. The too negative or influence by hidden agendas. The majority of the public (60%) also prefers objective information without a specific point of view. However. The respondents in the Unite States. The France and Brazil have more “partisan” preferences.
Young people under 35 are also
more likely to favor sources that share and clearly state benefits of advertising on Reddit their point of view. “But this should not be taken in a black and white way — most people like to mix reliable information with opinions that challenge or support their points of view.”333 Source. Reuters Institute Lately. The most people (56%) are concerne about fake news online. The with high numbers in countries with weaker traditional institutions like Brazil. The Kenya. The and South Africa.
40% see social meia as the most
worrying source of misinformation . The well clean email above news sites. The messaging services. The or search engines. However. The more polarize countries are more likely to blame journalists. In the Unite States. The 43% of right-wingers blame journalists for spreading misinformation. The pandemic will therefore have made it possible to prove the importance of truste information for the public and society as a whole.