India and Argentina have the highest annual EC growth rates

The amount spent on online shopping increas significantly compar to the previous year, with the highest annual growth rates in India (42%), Argentina (40%), and the Philippines (26%). It can be said that e-commerce use is increasing even in developing countries as infrastructure is improv.

PayPal points out four key points for expanding cross-border e-commerce



Bas on the above data results, PayPal has lithuania whatsapp data identifi four points to expand sales opportunities globally. We have summariz the main points below.

(1) Competitive pricing

The number one reason (72%) for consumers around the world to shop on overseas online shopping sites is “to buy products at a better price.
measures such as offering products at discount prices to consumers are advantageous worldwide. In addition, 25% of consumers said that high shipping costs would cause them to avoid purchasing from overseas online shopping sites, and a further 24% express similar concerns about customs duties, fees, and taxes associat with purchases.
When purchasing products through cross-border e-commerce, merchants who disclose all costs associat with the purchase (shipping fees, customs duties, and fees) have been not to have higher conversion rates and greater opportunities.

(2) Unique products

The second most common reason cit by what is lead nurturing by email? explaining the method and benefits cross-border e-commerce users for using cross-border e-commerce is “the novelty of having products that cannot be purchas in one’s own country,” at 49%.
More than half of cross-border e-commerce users in Norway, Mexico, Ireland, and Canada use cross-border e-commerce to purchase products that cannot be purchase in their own country, while four in ten people who shop from merchants in the Czech Republic, Israel, and Brazil do so to purchase new and interesting products.

(3) Domestic currency options

Three in four consumers survey want the option to purchase in their home currency, and six in ten check conversion rates before making a purchase.

(4) Security and peace of mind

When overseas users choose a payment whatsapp database method, the top priority is a “secure payment method” at 44%. Additionally, 24% of consumers want “peace of mind that the product will arrive,” and they also want the ability to return the product if there is a problem with it.
PayPal offers a buyer protection system for consumers and a seller protection system for cross-border e-commerce.
By using PayPal, consumers do not ne to enter crit card information. PayPal offers safety and peace of mind, such as compensation if the product does not arrive.

*PayPal’s survey was conduct in 31 countries: the Unit States, Canada, the Unit Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Swen, Belgium, Norway, Austria, Russia, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Greece, Israel, the Unit Arab Emirates, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, South Africa, India, China, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, and the Philippines. The survey was conduct online from March 13 to May 1, 2018.

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