How to Build a Landing Page [The Guide]

Did you know that your website is full of landing pages that you are probably not using as you should? And, in the meantime, how many opportunities are you wasting to reach your goals and optimize your investments?
Yes, because the landing page is precisely one of those resources that you have available to reach your marketing goals: acquire new contacts, acquire new customers, tell your story .

In this post you will find a guide that will allow you to understand what a landing page is, what its functions are and how to plan a landing page capable of effectively achieving the expected result. Are you getting on board? Let’s go!

All pages of your website can be potential landing pages created with the goal of converting . That is? Depending on your needs, how you set up your strategy and how you design your landing page, the purpose can be to:

Do lead generation obtain leads

Transform leads into prospects (contacts who are genuinely interested in your product/service);
transform prospects into customers (by selling a product, an information product, a service);
get contact information or other valuable information for your business.
Three Types of Landing Pages [+ Common Mistake]
Generally speaking, you can create three types of landing pages , depending on the function, the type of objective and the target audience you want to reach. Consider, in fact, and this is the main and most serious mistake that companies often make, that not all audiences and users are in favor of purchasing at that particular moment. In fact, audiences can be warm , lukewarm or cold .

Warm audiences have already come into contact with the company, they know it, they trust it and, therefore, they are more inclined to an important and decisive action such as purchasing. How to incentivize them? By offering them a gift, such as a promotion, a free trial, a loyalty card, a guide, etc.

Cold audiences , on the other hand

Have not yet come into contact with the brand, they do not know it, they have not established a relationship, therefore they do not trust it and, therefore, are not inclined to purchase. This type of audience, before deciding to buy from you, needs to be convinced to do so. How? By knowing you, by informing themselves in the most precise and exhaustive way possible. You will understand, therefore, that your task will be precisely that of allowing this type of audience to correctly investigate you.

Here, once this fundamental aspect is clarified, you will understand well how the construction of a landing page must adapt to the type of objective and target to be reached. Usually, we can distinguish three types of landing pages.

1. Landing Page to click a link
Landing pages that have the goal of inducing users to click a link that will direct them to a page where they can perform an even more important and valuable action for the brand. I’ll give you an example.

Assume the year is 2005. After years apart, you run across an old friend at a coffee shop. After exchanging pleasantries, you ask for their phone number database number like clockwork in order to stay in contact. In the present day, that straightforward deed has changed. These days, our phones serve as more than simply gadgets—they are entry points to communities, companies, and networks.

phone number database

You sell office furniture and want to encourage

Sales to a new audience of customers. It is clear that you will not be able to propose to these people the direct purchase of a piece of furniture, because they know nothing about you, they do not know your products, they know nothing about the effectiveness or otherwise of customer service, etc. Before inducing them to purchase, therefore, you will have to inform them in great detail about everything that could be of interest to them.

Landing Page to get leads
Landing pages that have the objective of obtaining leads , that is, new contacts, people potentially interested in your brand and your offer. The objective of these landing pages is to obtain useful information to establish a relationship with people , which is why it is very important to offer them a gift that has value.

An example The Free Resources page

On my website. It’s a landing page where I offer a gift to users (the infographics they’re interested in or the e-book I’ve written for them) and, in exchange, I invite them to sign up for my newsletter to stay in touch with them and thus cultivate a caixabank will close hundreds of branches throughout spain relationship over time.

3. Landing Page for Sales
Landing pages that have the goal of selling directly . If you think of an e-commerce, landing pages of this type are all product sheets, but you can also create ad hoc landing pages in which, for example, you offer a special discount with a limited expiration date or for a limited number of people (the principle of scarcity always retains its effectiveness in marketing strategies).

And now let’s go into even more detail and understand what the landing page is specifically for.

What is the purpose of a landing page?
Ok, but what exactly can a landing page do for you? Here are the main functions:

promote an event or course and encourage participation and registration.

The structure of a landing page

How to build an effective landing page? The bad news is that there is no single solution to build an effective landing page, a valid way always, in any case and for everyone. The structure that is most capable of converting is linked to multiple factors : your objective, the target you are addressing, the product or service you offer, the canada email lead content you intend to communicate.

Building an Effective Landing Page? No One-Size Method Is Universal
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But I also have good news, namely some guidelines that you can and must follow to build a landing page. There are some elements, in fact, that cannot be missing when designing a landing page:

What features cannot be missing from the title and subtitle of your landing page? Both must be:

In particular, in the title you must

Immediately make it clear what you have to offer your customer. capable of exciting ;
consistent with your brand identity and your brand image ;
explanatory of your offer .
I recommend you read: Visual Storytelling: The Holy Grail of Web Marketing .

#3. Information core body
At the center of your landing page you must insert all the information that your user needs to know . You must be specific, detailed, direct, exhaustive, clear, transparent and convincing, but without exceeding in the length of the contents, in the tone of voice you use (personally I advise you not to use an excessively marketing tone and language ), in the type of information you communicate. Your landing page must be immediate . And honest .

In this section you must describe your product or service, what opportunities it offers, what its advantages are, what it can do concretely and usefully for your potential customers. Choosing the right message to communicate and the most suitable words to do it is essential.

I recommend you read: How and why to talk (effectively) with your readers/customers .

#4. Section dedicated to benefits
Dedicate a part of the main body of the landing page to benefits, to what you can concretely offer your customers. Why should they choose you? What makes your product/service unique? What distinguishes you from the competition?

Let the testimonials speak

Testimonials play a very important role in gaining the trust of your customers for three reasons:

they are people .
What’s more, they are people who have already had direct experiences with you .
Even more. They are disinterested people who put their face on the line , who expose themselves to tell about you. Obviously you have to trust them, right?
Landing Page: Which Structure Should You Focus On?
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Contact Form, Buttons and Call To Action

The rule for creating a contact form that converts is: no to requests that are too intrusive. In the contact form you must ask for the information that is essential for you and you must do it in a way that does not offend the sensibilities of your users. You could upset them and lose them, right here, at the crucial moment. My advice? Ask for name, surname and email address, nothing more.

A fundamental role is also played by the buttons that you insert in the contact form and, in general, in the landing page, by the colors that you choose to use and by the words with which you intend to call to action. The Call To Actions that you scatter in your Landing Page must be incisive, direct, clear. They must make it clear exactly what you want and leave little or no escape route to your users.


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