Placing advertisements from dubious advertisers on your website

Surely you are familiar with this situation: You go to a website, and suddenly ugly pictures appear both above and below, the sight of which makes you want to immediately close the page.

I can’t even imagine to what extent you have to dislike your resource to post such advertising on it!

Although you are not legally responsible for

The content of advertising materials presented on your website, remember that website visitors trust your resource and, therefore, by placing advertisements for any goods or services on your website, you implicitly recommend them to your visitors. By placing dubious advertising, you risk ruining your reputation. Therefore, before you post a banner or ad, ask the customer what kind of company it is and what they do, and just in case, check the information they provide about themselves. Do not place advertisements for financial pyramids, slot machines and “hypes” (fraudulent projects offering to invest money at a very high percentage of income).

As for me, I only place thematic advertising

On my site and only from those companies that I trust.

5th place. “Draining” traffic special database through other resources using pop-up windows
I don’t know about you, but I get really annoyed when I go to a website and a pop-up window appears that offers to go somewhere dubious advertisers or subscribe to some “super course”. In such cases, I usually close the site right away.

I want to tell you that you can

Use pop-up windows on your website if you want, but the only thing you can do with them is offer the visitor to subscribe to your project’s news on social networks. And the window with such an offer should not appear how to apply artificial intelligence in marketing immediately, but about a minute after the user has entered the adb directory site, so that the visitor can dubious advertisers familiarize himself with the site’s materials. After all, you need to “hook” the user! I strongly advise against using pop-up windows to monetize a website.



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