Online marketing is a broad concept, because who do you actually want to address with your marketing strategy? High time to distinguish the different target groups that you can aim your arrows at. Who do you want to reach? How can you best approach this? And especially, how not? We looked into it for you!
When we talk about target groups, you cannot avoid looking
at the age of your audience or potential customers. For example, a difference in age can have a significant impact on the language used, the speed at which you convey your message or the choice you make for the use of images. Before you use online marketing as a means, it is therefore a good idea to describe your target group as specifically as possible. What is their age? What is their gender? What are their interests? What do they hate? (And yes, we know better than anyone that the 60-plusser, teenager or thirty-something does not exist. Nevertheless, in this blog we tar every individual within the target group with the same brush, in order to sketch a general picture).
Slow down for the over-60s
Do you conclude that your target group is generally over sixty? That chance is increasing, because the share of seniors in our population is increasing. In twenty years, the number of people over 60 in the Netherlands has increased by 50 percent, email data namely from 2.1 million to no less than 3.1 million people. It is therefore important to put yourself in the shoes of these people over sixty. Do you know someone who belongs to this target group? Perhaps
What does this mean for the way you use online marketing for this target group?
For example, by not presenting too much text in a calm manner and at a pace that is easy to follow. Avoid too much distraction ເຂົ້າໃຈວ່າ #1 ສິ່ງທີ່ທ່ານຕ້ອງການສະແດງແມ່ນວ່າເນື້ອຫາຂອງທ່ານເຮັດໃຫ້ເງິນ by image or sound. Focus on the core, what exactly ao lists do you want to say? What should this target group remember afterwards? Finally, try not to use the informal ‘you’, some politeness is appreciated.
Silver wave & social media?
Make no mistake. Within the group of sixty-plussers, there are also regular workers who use social media such as Facebook and Instagram on a daily basis . No less than 61% of the 80-plussers have a Facebook account, of which 32% use this account daily. The use of mobile devices has also grown rapidly in recent years. More than half of them shop online at some point. So don’t miss these opportunities when you aim your online marketing arrows at this silver wave.