What is the first information to write in a sales copy?

Are you sure you know what the first piece of information you should write in a sales text is? I’ll give you 4 options to narrow down the field, the same ones I shared with my contacts on Facebook . Which one would you choose? The discussion was lively and interesting: everyone expressed their opinion, some got it right and some got close.

Have you made your choice

Well, let’s find out if you’re on the right track!

1 The important premise: the 3 phases of the communication process
2 The first information you need to write in a sales copy
3 The second piece of information to write in a sales text
4 The technical characteristics of the product or service
5 Who is the company?
6 2 Copywriting Techniques for Your Sales Texts
7 Do you need a professional Content Manager or Copywriter?
The important premise: the 3 phases of the communication process
Before you understand how to set up and write your sales copy, you need to be aware of the 3 phases of the communication process.

The first thing you need to do is get people’s attention

The second is to retain and keep alive their attention along the path that will bring them closer to the purchase;
The third and final step is to convince people to take the action you want.
Attention is such a scarce resource that it is becoming increasingly difficult to gain it. And there is more.

Keep in mind that people’s attention span is about 7 seconds . In the case of titles, the threshold drops to 3 seconds .

Do you want to write a successful sales copy? The first thing you have to do is attract people’s attention, a scarce and precious resource. How can you do this? You have to consciously choose both the content and the words you use to communicate.

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The first information you need to write in a sales copy

The structure of the content is as important as the words you choose to seduce people. When I speak of seduction I am not referring to any unlikely magical or, worse, evil art. Seduction, as the etymology of the word itself suggests, consists in leading people to you , so that they listen to you and trust you.

Want to understand how to write persuasive copy? Read this guide: Persuasive Copywriting: 10 Tips for Writing (Truly) Persuasive Copy .

The first piece of information you need to communicate to write a good sales copy is the problem that people have and that you are able to solve. Why is it so important to start with this information? For several reasons:

immediately attracts people’s attention

self-selects people, involving only those interested in solving that specific problem. And, therefore, interested in your solution. Self-selects your target;
remind people that they have that problem and that there are people who can solve it;
prepares for listening ;
involves you in the first person in the communication. You, you who have this problem, come here! I have what you need! ;
It triggers the alert and activates emotions that push people first to take interest and then to act. To do this you need to be a good Copywriter .
The second piece of information to write in a sales copy
And what do I gain? Why are you so special?

The second piece of information you need to immediately

Communicate to people – after reminding them of their problem – is the solution you offer. Do you have this problem? I have this solution. The best one for you!

The benefits you offer people, the profit the court of accounts investigates irregularities in the government they get by trusting you, this is the crux of your communication. A good communicator does this: he makes people understand the concrete benefits that that product or service offers them. And he does it so well that the profit will seem indispensable .

This is also the moment when you have to make people understand all your value, which is different from that of your competitors. You have to lead them on an inner journey so exciting and engaging that they perceive that you are exactly the solution they need to improve their life. Mind you, I am talking about improving their life, because this is exactly what people want to achieve when they buy a product or a service.

We do not buy goods. We buy dreams

Desires, fulfillment, improvement, growth, affirmation, emotional security. We buy the change we want to experience and that that brand promises us . Here you play your game, here you have to make the difference.

The protagonists of your sales text must be canada email lead people with their most intimate world, their deepest desires, the dreams they cherish. If the product or service or price is at the center of your sales text, you are doing it all wrong!

Before continuing reading, how about

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Is your goal to write an About Us page that is actually read and felt ? Well, then say goodbye to long, self-referential papyrus and make room for fresh content and copywriting .

Let me explain better what I mean and I do it by asking you a question: how many About Us pages and how many company profiles have you read from beginning to end in the last year? How many attracted, interested and involved you? And how many of these do you still remember?

If you’re lucky, you’ve caught a few.

If you’re not, not even one will have struck your memory. Yes, because around the streets of the Web there are many – too many – brands that tell their stories in a banal, egocentric, self-referential way. Too many companies remain entangled in the pages of their stories without asking themselves what, of all this, really interests my customer ?

That’s the point. Whatever content you write must always be useful and interesting for your reader, not for you. And it must be so based on their personal perception of the world , not based on your beliefs. And how well do you know your reader?

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