What is a Universal International Freephone Number (UIFN)?

Do you have customers in different parts of the world and are struggling to maintain unified communications? In this guide, we share everything there is to know about a UIFN or universal international freephone number.

What is a UIFN? Everything You Need to Know
UIFN Country List
How to Dial a UIFN Number

What is a UIFN? Everything You Need to Know

What is a Universal  A Universal International list of  list of iceland cell phone number  Freephone Number, also known as UIFN, is a unique type of international toll free number that can be dialed the same across 62 different countries. These numbers enable customers to receive a single freephone number for multiple countries. The UIFN program is administered by the International Telecommunication Union.


Benefits of Using a UIFN



list of iceland cell phone number

There are many benefits to getting a universal toll free number. Here are the top 3 reasons why you should get a UIFN.

1. Global Coverage: UIFN is available in 62 different countries, so if your business conducts operations globally, then a universal toll free number can make your business accessible in multiple countries through a single number.

2. One Number: Companies with multiple office locations or branches can easily benefit from a UIFN. For example, an international company with several branches, a small business with remote offices, or a university with global campuses. With a universal toll free number, you have one number that connects your entire business across the globe.

3. Easy to Advertise: Plus, it is much easier to advertise for one number instead of multiple numbers for the different locations you are targeting.


Universal Toll Free Number Restrictions

While there are many UIFN benefits, the technology does have some important restrictions to note. The most important restriction to note is the list of countries where UIFN is available. The second major UIFN restriction is mobile-accessibility. Finally, subscribers should consider that dialing conventions may vary across countries.

Mobile Accessibility
Universal toll free numbers are only mobile-accessible in a handful of countries. In certain countries, the number cannot be reached at all from a mobile phone. This is really important to note because roughly one-in-five people only have cell phone service. You should consult with your customers to find out what percentage of them use mobile phones.

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