What does a Community Manager do?

This name in English seems different to us at first reading, but knowing it is very simple.

Companies of all kinds are already realizing that it is not possible to continue without having someone who is solely responsible for managing their respective brands on the Internet.

The Internet is a unique and rapidly changing world, so investing in this professional is not a waste of time or money, but rather a great gesture of broad vision for the future.

The Community Manager is the  professional responsible for  building, managing and administering the online community  around a brand on the Internet, creating and maintaining  stable and long-lasting relationships  with its customers, its fans and, in general, any user interested in the brand.

And, contrary to what one might think, the job is not so simple and is not for everyone.

Managing brands on the Internet requires a different set of knowledge, as well as a set of skills, techniques and qualities that need to be worked on.

Although there is a set of intrinsic qualities, such as empathy and a good dose of  creativity  and ingenuity, that help you carry out the functions of the Community Manager.

What are the functions of a Community Manager?

To everyone’s surprise, a community manager spain telegram data is not only in charge of social networks, but also usually manages the   company’s  corporate blog and among other things, must take on the task of creating attractive and quality content .

In addition, you must have knowledge of the different scheduling tools to systematize publications. Not to mention that you must know the  best times to post  depending on the brand and the person you are targeting.

1. Pay attention to the corporate landscape

The community manager acts as the eyes postgraduate degree in social security law of the company on social media.

It also keeps an eye on the content of its competitors and the business industry in general, in order to provide information and add value to both the company and the users themselves.

2. Communicate relevant information to the company

Once the information is obtained, the community g seo work manager transmits the information to the different departments of the company, to integrate the different strategies of: marketing, sales, design, among others, and to be able to carry out a good action plan.

Well, it should be noted that information is obtained not only by listening to the outside of the company, but also by listening to the company itself. In this way, you will know which data is actually necessary.

3. Respond to the online community

The community manager, being the voice of the brand on the internet, is the one who takes responsibility and faces any situation that arises.

On the other hand, it is responsible for attracting visitors through various digital tactics, for example,  the dissemination of content . Although of course, always based on the information it has about what the public expects to receive from the brand.

In this sense, its main objective is to create a brand community. That is, to form a large group of people who know the brand and support it both in consumption and in following its actions.

4. Identify opinion leaders

For a community manager, it is important to identify and create links with people or groups of people capable of promoting dissemination strategies.

5. Turn users into ambassadors

The community manager must always be aware of the brand’s overall movement on the Internet.

  • Which users comment the most
  • Who shares the content most often
  • Who gives “like” daily
  • Inter alia

In order to establish a collaboration network with them and turn them into brand ambassadors.

6. Follow routines appropriate for a marketing team

Routines are essential for a community manager to ensure the success of any strategy they implement:

5 Essential Characteristics of a Community Manager

As we have already seen, Community Management is a complex and dynamic discipline. There are many tasks that must be carried out in this position, but all of them are of vital importance for a brand.

Therefore, it is necessary that the person who carries out the function has training, experience and a profile appropriate to the circumstances.

Look below at the characteristics that a community manager should have, in a more specific way.

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