The best of #LinuxDays

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The best of #LinuxDays
David Janik
David Janik
Updated 9/2/2024 – 5 min. reading
As you probably know, the annual LinuxDays conference took place this weekend . Everyone whose heart beats like a penguin looks forward to this day. Of course, we couldn’t miss it, and this year even with our lecture about the VPS center , which was supposed to be given by Karel Dytrych , but unfortunately, due to work reasons, he couldn’t come to CTU on the weekend. Finally, the lecture was given by Jakub Vrchota, a new member of the development team .


Everything went like a Swiss watch , when you first entered there were no queues at registration, you just found your name tag (if you wanted), stuck it somewhere on your body and you could immediately go to the lectures, which always started on time. During the day, you had the opportunity to kick yourself with a good cup of coffee or something small to eat at the specific database by industry partner stand, which has grown like mushrooms after the rain this year. You didn’t starve either, thanks to the canteen you always had a choice of two meals at a good price.

I haven’t caught any complaints , nor have I seen anything on Twitter. This is a beautiful testament to how the organizers managed the whole event perfectly, and for that we owe them a big thank you, and we definitely recommend you to visit next year and support this great event.


This year there was a really varied selection of lectures , and everyone was sure to be able to choose, and if by chance they didn’t, there was nothing easier than going for a coffee or looking at the stands to see what’s new in the Linux world. In the List of Lectures, you could choose topics from IT security, development or up to HW upgrade.

VPS Center

Try our server and domain management application for free. You will feel like an experienced administrator.

Of course, we will not describe the content of the lectures here, for that we can recommend visiting the portal, where they have written a more comprehensive report of the most interesting lectures.

On the same portal, you will also find a photo report from both Saturday and Sunday .

Our lecture – Web server management for people

We started 10 minutes after 12, as there were still a lot of enthusiasts around the department from the previous lecture ” modification of ThinkPad T430 and X230 machines “, which was a great success. Not even if you buy a laptop for 10,000 and completely redo it to your liking, and you also perform the operation directly under a magnifying glass. At the time of this lecture, we were getting valuable insights at the Icinga 2 (On Steroids) lectue by Věroš Kaplan, and we have to say that he put a bug in our heads with this monitoring program.


Jakub took the lecture with great grace even though it was his first and he didn’t have a lot of time to study. He jumped on the bandwagon called VPS centrum only recently, but the lecture contained a lot of useful things that even I didn’t know about. It was mainly about files that failed during development and on which we broke our teeth the most. It is not easy to connect domains + hosting + servers in one application and get a web browser. But I believe we are doing well so far.


For the next lecture, we definitely plan to add more complex things with some visual demonstration and examples . We will also be very happy if you write to us what interests you about our VPS center and would like to see it at the next lecture.

Freelo – Task and project management tool

specific database by industry

Join, invite your team and clients, divide the work and watch the tasks go into motion.

The best of Twitter at #LinuxDays
What we really liked about the lectures were the 3 large areas for projection . A lecture was shown on the middle one, and a livestream from Twitter on the hashtag #LinuxDays usa cfo was running on the side ones. Of course, this attracted a lot of people to send funny tweets directly to the airwaves, and now we will look at the best.

Demonstration of projection surfaces, lecture Icinga 2 (on steroids)Screening areas. The #LinuxDays livestream was really fun

Really funny WiFis appeared at the CTU faculty this weekend. “FREE” Wifi leads for us

Of course, there was also a classic shot at Babiš and his EETThere were also jokes on the current topic

They went wild at #LinuxDays . We have real butter for lunch…

— Michal Vašíček (@MekliCZ) October 8, 2017

The lecture on IPv6 in the Czech Republic was rather a sad sight. The tweet below sums it up perfectly
“If you want IPv6 like in Poland, move to Poland” #LinuxDays

— Marek Bartík (@MarekBartik) October 8, 2017

PS: Poland is doing really well

There were also students


When you code a dashboard that can’t do anything, you just get…

The existence of a monitoring dashboard inj how artificial intelligence can be used to solve seo Problems the office increases the satisfaction of the visitor in the office, regardless of whether someone is looking at it #LinuxDays

— Ondrej Flidr (@snipercze) October 8, 2017

Books on Linux and development were selling like crazy
We’ve got a bunch of new books and other cool m  erchandise lined up for #LinuxDays

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