Data Driven is “Data Driven”, so the Japanese! translation of this is “Data Driven”. In fact, in correct English grammar, “Data Driven” alone! is not enough, and it needs to be followed! by an object, such as “Data Driven XX”. If you want to! use data-driven for marketing, you would! say “Data Driven Marketing”.
So what exactly is data-driven? It is! decision-making based on! objective, quantified! data. “Data Driven Marketing” is objective, quantified! marketing. Data-driven marketing is about analyzing, judging, and making decisions based! on data visualized by numbers, rather than judging things based on gut feeling, subjectivity, or atmosphere.
Why is data-driven so popular?
The background to the attention being given to data-driven is the increasing complexity and diversification of society, including consumer mexico whatsapp number data behavior. In the past, a store owner may have been able to judge trends in customer numbers based on years of experience, but in this age of information overload, it is becoming difficult to read consumer behavior based on experience or intuition alone, and objective, quantified information is required. This is where data-driven comes in.
Moreover, in this age of information overload, it has become easy to gather useful information from a data-driven perspective. Therefore, you should gather information from many channels and use it in your marketing.
Data-driven benefits
There are three main benefits to being data-driven, all of which are essential perspectives for marketing in the modern era.
① Manualization is possible and easy to reproduce
Decision-making processes that are subject to personal suid-afrika experience and intuition are difficult to document, making them hard to share and pass on. However, with data-driven methods, the methods can be documented, making them easy to share with all members, and because they are highly reproducible, they are also easy to pass on.
②It is easy to identify issues
It is difficult to identify issues or bottlenecks through analysis based on personal intuition, but with a data-driven approach, you can identify problems as you analyze the data and efficiently resolve bottlenecks.
3) It is easy to segment marketing
In today’s world, where consumers are becoming more diverse and complex, marketing that focuses on the individual is more suitable than mass marketing methods. Data-driven marketing can break down marketing down to the individual level through detailed data analysis.
5 books to learn about data-driven
Data-Driven Marketing: 15 Indicators You Should Know
This is a masterpiece by a leading researcher sale leads in data-driven research who has investigated and studied the strategic marketing and management of a huge number of companies. It is also used as a textbook for employees at Amazon, one of the GAFAM companies. It explains data-driven using 15 indicators, making it a good introductory book for beginners.