How to Contact Someone on LinkedIn: What NOT to Say

When contacting someone on LinkedIn, it’s important to Someone on LinkedIn remember what NOT to say.After all, you don’t want to come across as pushy, too salesy, or spamming.Here are some of the most common mistakes people make when contacting others with a LinkedIn cold message:

1. Don’t start your message by saying “I”

When you start your message by saying “I,” you immediately put the focus on yourself. Instead, try to focus on the other person, their accomplishments, and what interests them.

This makes the person on the other end feel like you’re interested in them list to data and not just trying to sell them something.

So avoid talking too much about yourself or making your message centered around your products or services.

2. Don’t start by asking for favors

When you first contact someone, it’s best to avoid asking for favors.

For example, don’t ask them to introduce you to someone else or help you promote your product/service.

This is only acceptable behavior once you’ve established a relationship with the person. If you jump in too early to ask for favors, they’re likely to lose interest.

3. Send personalized messges

As we’ve said before, generic messages are a real turn-off for readers. So be sure to personalize each and every message you send.

Fortunately, with LaGrowthMachine’s “Custom Attributes” feature, best graphic design company you can easily add custom fields to your LinkedIn posts.

This way, you can ensure that each and every message is personalized and relevant to the person you are addressing, while achieving scalable LinkedIn outreach.

4. Don’t focus on selling

This is closely related to point number one. Remember that the goal of your first message should be to start a conversation, not close a deal.

Your lead will be much more receptive if you take the time to get to belgium numbers know them first. Therefore, avoid giving the impression of being salesy or pushy in your messages.

5. Review your writing

Before sending a message, always be sure to proofread it first. This will help you avoid any embarrassing typos or grammatical errors.

Also, try to keep your messages short and to the point. This will make them much easier to read and your chances of getting a response are higher.

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