SEO training 2021 – learning SEO and site optimization

Sales and customers have been important in businesses for a long time, and every business owner and manager may think several times a day about the orders and customers of their business and look for an idea to increase their income.

With SEO training from beginner to professional, you will send many visitors to your site to increase your sales, don’t worry at all, in the Tek SEO articles section, very useful articles about SEO and digital marketing have been written that you can use.If you don’t know what SEO is, read the article in question.

Therefore, with the development of businesses and the evolution of the world with the Internet and virtual space, the principle of business, which is sales and customers, has not changed, and if you have a website or an Instagram page, naturally, your sales and income are of great importance to you.

Amirhossein Eslami, teacher and SEO consultant

Tech SEO website celebrated its one year anniversary on 20 Mehr 1400 and until today we have been able to help internet businesses by providing useful and practical training in the field of SEO and digital marketing to increase site traffic. slow down

I am Amir Hossein Eslami, the manager of the Tech SEO website and the author of most of the articles on the Tech SEO website.

Basics of learning SEO

To start the SEO training article, let’s talk about the principles of site optimization so that you are ready for professional SEO training and you can grow your internet business with gray hat SEO.

SEO changes in recent years

In the past few years, site optimization methods have undergone extensive changes, other methods such as using too many keywords on a page (Keyword Stuffing) do not work and do not bring your site to the first rank of the Google search engine, so you should know that now the point The satisfaction of your website users is important for SEO growth.

Search engines have powerful and high number of servers that search all over the internet and web world for new and updated information to show the searching users, but when the amount of information known by the search engine increases, for example 200 articles in In the case of SEO training, written on the first page of Google, there is only a capacity of 10 results.

From this stage

Any article that has the most key database shop points of site optimization will get top ranks. Don’t rush to learn about these key methods, because we will go to them in this article after the preliminary training.

So, we can conclude that SEO usually has a lot of dependencies and whenever we want to talk about something, we must first measure the dependencies because nothing is fixed in SEO, even the complex algorithms of search engines may change with updates.

In recent years, with good updates, Google has been able to distinguish all low-quality pages from good and useful pages to show to searchers, and this is one of Google’s improvements in recent years.

That’s why SEO training is very important because anyone who works in this field should know about the latest SEO methods and expand your internet business by learning Google algorithms so that more users get to know you and your products.

Don’t worry, you will be provided with the necessary knowledge and experience to learn SEO on the Tech SEO site.

If you have heard the name SEO, you are probably familiar with content production because content attracts users and is very useful for branding. Producing useful and useful articles along with SEO is one of the basic principles of SEO.

Google is the most powerful search engine

Google is a search engine that started in 1998 and is still one of the giants of the information technology area and undoubtedly the best search engine in the world today.

When you open the mobile and enter the browser and search for a term, you send a request to the search engine and the search engine ranks and displays results for you according to the term you entered.

This internet search, which is done by the search engine, is analyzed by very powerful and high-speed servers of the sites, which can check and rank the information of the sites.

The Google search engine uses complex algorithms to rank sites, which we will learn about in the following chapters.

In fact, these crawlers are powerful robots sent by Google to sites that analyze site information.

So, so far we have found that Google crawlers find and show us the result we want.

Technical Seo is the first part of site optimization

The technical optimization of the site has practical solutions to prevent possible problems in the future. Also, the Google search engine values ​​good technical SEO of each site.

From Google’s point of view, when a site has a technical problem and cannot respond to its users in the right way, it is a site that does not have good technical SEO, but in technical SEO, it is not only about users, but Google’s crawlers are affected by the site’s technical optimization status.Google crawlers play the role of website page reviewer.

In the technical optimization of the site, our task is to remove the obstacles that prevent Google’s crawlers from checking and crawling between the pages of the site, the practical solutions of which I will introduce to you below.

The robots.txt file

database shop

The robots.txt file on the site is known as the language of the site’s communication with search engine crawlers, which search engines care about crawling the site, and every time the crawlers have trouble checking pages on your site, the negative score for your site’s SEO in They comment.

Create this file on your computer, the file name is robots and its extension is txt, which is edited with notepad to allow all crawlers and robots to analyze the site. The following file is prepared for you. Upload it to the site, of course, it is in the public_html folder. The main folder is your site files Google’s budget. creep

Google considers a crawl budget for checking every active site, but you can change Google’s crawl budget, although there is no guarantee that Google will prioritize your request, so it is better to make Google itself increase the crawl budget of your site.

For this purpose, producing useful and practical content with the right guide can be very useful and your site will be recognized as a valuable site in Google’s view. You can also create quality backlinks. .

To manually adjust your site’s crawl rate (Crawl Rate), you need to connect your site to the Search Console.

Connecting the site to the search console

To start optimizing the site, as the first steps, you must connect your site to the search console, the SEO site control tool, and connect with Google. For this, in the first step, you must enter the address You need to sign in with a Google account.

After logging in with your Google account, the following window will open for you in the console search tool, which is divided into two parts. The first part is the complete registration of the site by domain, and the second part is the URL. It is better to choose the domain option in the field on the left. Enter the exact domain of your site.

After entering the site domain in the left field, a new window called Verify domain ownership via DNS record will open for you, and you should add the code shown to you in the DNS section of your site.

After completing the above steps, clear the site’s cache and click on the Verify option in the opened window. If you receive a success message, it means that you have done the steps. Correctly and your site is connect to the search console correctly.

This is to start the SEO training. After connecting the site to the search console, the new SEO story will begin, but don’t worry, Tek SEO and I are by your side.

Sitemap (Sitemap.xml)

The sitemap allows Google to understand there are schools but no money the structure of the page of our site and to know what date each page was update. If you can generate a sitemap dynamically and add it to the site, it is better than a sitemap that is manually add to your site. If you don’t have a dedicate plugin for SEO, use the XML Sitemaps plugin.

After adding the sitemap, you must add the sitemap in the sitemap section of the search console. For this, it is enough to enter the address of the added sitemap in the Sitemap section of the search console in the Add a new sitemap section and wait for Google Maps to appear. Verify your site.

Website speed

One of the most important factors in technical SEO is website speed, which is key to improving user experience considering website speed, and every second delay in site loading can lead to loss of traffic, so here are some simple solutions to improve site speed i do

1. Cache activation

Cache system exists in website and this system maintains a cache.

To activate the cache system in WordPress, it is better to install the wp-rocket plugin and activate the cached version for mobile and desktop.

2. Connect to CDN

The content distribution network is a network of different servers in different. Parts of the world or country, each of these servers store a copy.To better understand this content distribution network, read the article What is cdn .

3. Reduce the size of images

Usually, one of the biggest factors in slow site loading is high-volume images, which you can compress all the images on your site by installing very good plugins . Photo SEO article can be useful for you.

Internal SEO training (on-page SEO)

In the process of site optimization b2c fax for the search engine. Part of the hat are  out inside the site to get a top rank in Google is call internal SEO. Such as content production and internal linking that done inside the site.

In order to improve the internal SEO of the site, you must be well train because. A wrong internal link can hit the site, even the existence of problems such as duplicate. Content can take away good rankings from you and bring you back, but don’t worry. In the future, every You will learn what you need to learn.

Good content production = good internal SEO

One of the principles of the success of sites in SEO is to produce excellent and better content than competitors, that is, you should always check the content of your competitors and produce better content than it is, and after producing content, adapt it to Google’s algorithms in order to get a good ranking.

In order to produce first-class content, the first point is to consider the user’s search intent. Which is call Search Intent, that is . What your user wants to achieve by searching for a keyword.

Make a purchase or get information

About something For example, by searching for the keyword SEO training. You will see complete and comprehensive content for learning SEO. But by searching for SEO advice, naturally, page for booking a consultation session will be display. Which Google deems suitable for you has given.

So, by now you know that producing quality and useful content for the user is one of the basic principles of internal SEO training, and you cannot get a good ranking in Google without good content.Read article SEO so that your articles are consistent with SEO principles.

Keyword plays a key role in SEO strategy

Keywords are the same phrase that is search in Google. Above, I mentioned the user’s purpose of searching. Google uses the keyword that users search in Google to determine what results it should display to them.

But the steps of keyword research are not the same as before, and to learn SEO with keyword research, you have to complete a full course because the topics have become more complicated than before.

With increasing competition in the SEO world, you must choose the right keyword that is compatible with your budget and capital, for example, you choose a difficult keyword that requires expensive reports and you cannot afford this cost, so it is better to choose less expensive keywords. do

For this keyword research, it is very important that requires experience and knowledge that you get on Tech SEO site.

Classification of keywords

With the increase in the number of user search and access to the public. Keywords have expand, and to identify the correct keyword and results. Google wants to show the user that keywords are divide into different.

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