Psychology integrated into the market offers

As a sociologist puts it in her own way in a historical reminder, ” Psychology radically transforms (will) the image of the ” self” , thanks to an ideal of mental health and well-being that will win over all areas of society: the economy (with management theories).

ucation (pagogical models), private life (marriage counselors), prison (rehabilitation programs), advertising, marketing and the mia (talk shows), and even international conflicts, for traumas link to wars and genocides Psychology integrat .  therapies to the entire world by making the autonomous individual, mental health and fulfillment objectives to be achiev and objects of consumption. To sell this new product – the positive and efficient ” self ” – psychology uses standards of appreciation and measurement of the individual and their emotions.” 5

Also, the question of “full speech”

and that of the subject now largely overflows the space of the private or public consultation place where it remain  accurate clean numbers list from frist database confin until then, but whose treatment was left to the initiative of the practitioner. The opposition, the reluctance, the repugnance, the repulsion of the proponents of the alloy: psychology-science-bureaucracy electively bears on what engages the entire deployment of speech,

But, at this point, the inform extending wordpress capabilities  reader in whom the desire to read this book grows will perhaps ask himself, is there not missing in what has just been mention a central aspect in psychoanalysis regarding desire? An essential destiny of desire in and for psychoanalysis? The very one that presides over the psychoanalytic clinic? The desire of the analyst.

It is true that one will not find in the collection

a chapter devot to the examination of this properly Lacanian notion, nor testimony from an analyst on how this desire came to  czechia businesses directory him, or perhaps how it came into being. And besides, what is this desire of the analyst? That of producing absolute difference as Lacan evokes it at the end of his Seminar XI? Or perhaps more simply that of analyzing – that there be analysis.

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