In my opinion, this is one of the most correct and profitable ways to monetize a website. Let’s say you are a very good lawyer. The first thing you do is create a website for a law firm. (You still don’t know how to create websites, read the series of articles “How to create a website on WordPress” – everything is written very clearly there, and after reading them, you will learn everything.)
At the next stage, you start writing articles on legal topics and post them on the website, and also do SEO optimization of these articles for search engines.
Try to win the trust of your readers, because
They can become your europe cell phone number list clients! Give examples from your work practice, tell how you helped your clients solve their problems. Share with the readers of the site your vision of the events happening in your professional field. I described in detail how to attract clients with the help of the right content in the article “How to win a client with a check of 200,000 rubles.” High-quality content and working with large checks will allow you to make a good profit from your site.
In the same way we plan to develop our site On this way we will have two stages:
Website creation for affiliate program
Creating a website products or services for a specific affiliate program is a good and promising option. The point of an affiliate program is that we are paid not for the ads we place, but for a specific action performed, for example, for paying for an order. Let’s say we have a lot of experience in child care. First, we find affiliate programs for online stores selling children’s goods.
Then we write articles for our website
As always, do products benefits of artificial intelligence in marketing or services their SEO optimization. Sometimes we insert referral (affiliate) links into articles, offering to look at a particular product in a certain store. On adb directory my website, almost all links to domain services, hosting services, etc. are referral, and these services pay me a commission for the clients they attract.