Position of the link on the page

The position of the link on the page directly affects the amount of authority that page will receive.

This means that links you make in the first paragraph of a blog post or in the header of your website give more relevance to the pages they refer to than links in the footer or last paragraph.

In the structure of a website this is already a bit logical, as you will naturally target your most relevant pages.

However, this concept is crucial, especially in blog posts. Remember to prioritize the most important links when getting a backlink.

Another positive aspect is the possibility of being featured on the partner’s blog or website.

Some blogs display an excerpt of the content, and if your link is there, it may appear not only in the post, but also on the blog’s front page (which is the most authoritative page on the site).


As we mentioned, the market  makes the difference. Receiving whatsapp number list links from companies operating in the Digital Marketing market makes more sense and gives Rock greater relevance than a company in the automotive market.

Despite this, there are markets that are similar or directly related, in which case the backlink will make perfect sense.

New Domain

As we also mentioned, the more business clubs of russia sites that backlink you, the better.

It is better to receive 10 links from the same domain than from different domains . This shows the search engine and the market that not just one company, but many, trust your business.

That’s why it’s essential to get backlinks from as many domains as possible, especially those that link to your competitors and don’t link to you. We’ll look at how to find these opportunities later on.

So, to sum up the perfect backlink anatomy, the link you should prioritize is:

  • new domain link with good authority;
  • within your market;
  • link that your competitor has and you don’t.

Don’t forget to keep track of your top pages and map out which ones are most in need of new links!

Why receive nofollow links?

We said that nofollow links are text services those that do not transfer authority to a page. However, we also said that receiving nofollow backlinks can be great for your backlink strategy and online authority generation.

So we’ll explain to you why you need to receive nofollow links!

You get traffic the same way

The first and most logical benefit of a nofollow link is that, for the user, it works like a normal link. That is, they click on it and are on the indicated page.

So, if you receive nofollow links from other sites, you will receive that traffic. Soon, new people will be learning about your site, consuming your content, and of course, new sales opportunities.

They transfer relevance (what does that mean?)

We just said that nofollow links don’t transfer relevance… so why are we now saying that they do?

“It’s simple, although nofollow links tell search engines not to follow or transfer authority to that page, Google knows that the page is linking to that site.”

That is, even if Apple’s website sends a nofollow link to your page, Apple is linking to your page!

Even mentions of your company without backlinks can generate authority, though. Even though it doesn’t officially transfer authority, a nofollow link reveals that a quality site trusts your content.

Note: Currently, Google considers nofollow links as a “hint” (a suggestion) and not a rule. For example, a 301 redirect is a rule, Google will understand that the page receiving the redirect is the official page. Now, the nofollow link is a suggestion, which Google can choose to ignore, meaning that they are likely to build authority.

Social signals

This is another one of those stories that Google will claim is not a direct ranking factor.

Still, social signals could potentially affect your results . First, social shares tend to lead to more visits, more shares, and of course, more backlinks.

Another factor is that social media pages are also indexed, meaning the search engine sees the links, actions and mentions your company receives.

Links on social media are nofollow, yet they still transmit these social signals.

Remember, sometimes Google doesn’t seem to know how Google works, so even if it says it’s not a ranking factor, it can affect your rankings.

monetize networks

Generate brand awareness

Another clear benefit of obtaining nofollow backlinks is the brand awareness they generate.

They can increase the number of people who know about your site and also generate a more positive view of your brand , since users won’t know what type of link it is, they’ll just see a link from a site that trusts your content to the point of directing their visitors there.

Links generate more links

The more backlinks your site has on the Internet, the greater the chances of getting even more links. More people knowing and sharing, more visibility and, consequently, more inbound links.

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