New challenge for web writing: reading on “mobile”!

Mobile browsing is booming. Internet users now favor smartphones and tablets, much to the dismay of desktops. This trend obviously has the merit of raising a question: how to write content adapted for mobile or simply how to write for mobile?

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Writing for mobile: why adapt your speech to small screens?


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With mobility being a top priority, Smartphones and tablets are gaining more and more ground. These terminals, in addition to being advantageous from a practical point of view, can now make life easier for anyone wishing to search for information on the web. Google has understood this well, so much so that the results of search pages on mobile differ from those on desktop . Hence the importance of optimizing your content for mobile and calling on an SEO web editor. Otherwise, you risk losing 50% of your website traffic .

The same observation is made midjourney nədir və onu necə istifadə etmək olar? for voice queries, which have been on the rise since the advent of connected speakers. If in 2019, voice queries already “grabbed” 20% of total searches on Google, the ratio should reach 50% this year 2020 .

How to write for mobile? 4 rules to optimize your content

Adapting content to small screens tw lists has become a necessity for companies that want to improve their visibility on SERPs and optimize the user experience. In the SEO section , it will be necessary to alternate between working on generic keywords (short queries) and long tails. As for UX (User eXperience) , it will be a question of adapting to the restricted size of Smartphone and tablet screens.

Here are 4 rules to follow to successfully produce optimized mobile content

1) Work on generic keywords to position yourself in text searches

Since the screen of a Smartphone is smaller than that of a computer, this will have an influence on the Internet user’s search method. You should know that the search bar on mobile is reduced in size. As a result, the user will tend to type a short query or a generic keyword to save time . Instead of googling “  4-star hotel in Nosy Be Madagascar  ”, he would be more inclined to type “  Hotel Nosy Be  ”. You will therefore have to include the optimization of this type of keyword in your SEO strategy .

2) Rank on long tail keywords to accommodate voice search

As we have mentioned, voice search is gaining more and more ground. Also, you have every interest in integrating it into your SEO strategy. The Google mobile application for Android and iOS has a voice command “  Ok Google  ” which makes searches easier. Thus, the Internet user will tend to carry out more complete searches such as “  Tourist sites to visit in Madagascar?  “. This is the reason why it will be necessary to work on long tail keywords to hope to respond to users of the Google Assistant.

3) Writing for mobile: focus on short and precise answers

Some bloggers drag out the suspense when they want to give an answer to a question. And that’s completely understandable given that their goal is to reduce the bounce rate . However, this is not necessarily the right method when you want to adapt your content to mobile reading. Indeed, the answers must be shorter and more precise .

If you want to grab the attention of a mobile user, the best way would be to write a lead (introduction) that directly responds to the user’s response . The rest of the article will be used to provide more information. On this point, think about writing short paragraphs , including lists and bullet points to facilitate reading on mobile.

4) Integrate “snacking content” into your strategy

Snack content is short but high-quality content . It is usually dedicated to sharing on social networks. It should not be view for more than 2 minutes. It can be a 300-word article , videos , infographics , memes or jokes .

Feel free to read our article “  How to use Snacking Content  ” to improve your company’s reputation.

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