Setting aside a budget to invest in digital marketing is a basic rule for any business, including a micro-enterprise .
If you’ve already planted your flag on the internet, great! Keep working to gain more and more visibility. However, if you haven’t taken the first step yet, now is the time to turn things around!
The number of people connected to the internet is increasing every day, and it is on this immense network that they search for the products and services they need. On their desktop or, especially, on their cell phone, it only takes a few clicks for them to have access to an infinite number of business opportunities.
Why should a micro-business invest in digital marketing?
If marketing strategies were previously expensive and could only be funded by companies with robust budgets, digital marketing has asia mobile number list this service, giving any business the opportunity to showcase its solutions to an ever-increasing number of people.
At the same time, access to the Internet is becoming increasingly easy. Every day, more and more people are connecting and discovering products and services from companies that are just down the street from their house or on the other side of the world. The distance between the seller and the buyer is getting shorter and shorter.
And you, who have a micro-business, need to understand this scenario and know how to enter this universe to compete for the consumer’s attention.
Budget can influence results, yes, but if your micro-business has a good digital marketing strategy, based on persona studies, it is possible to achieve good results even with little money. And we will prove this to you!
Micro-enterprises that invest in digital marketing enjoy some advantages:
READ MORE: Digital marketing tips for MEIs
Using digital marketing for micro-enterprises: where to start?
The basis of any digital marketing using aes encryption is planning. It is necessary to know the possible strategies and understand the behavior of the target audience so that the action plan correctly cross-references the information and brings the desired results.
There is no set recipe for digital marketing; everything depends on the budget, the target audience, the type of product or service offered, and the company’s objectives. There are countless strategies!
For those of you who have a small business and don’t know how to take the first step, here are four paid and free digital marketing actions that are interesting for your business. Check them out:
Targeted ads
Micro-businesses tend to target a very b2c fax consumer profile. Therefore, it is important to target your actions to the right people. When investing money in advertising, you can segment your audience , that is, define who will have access to your product. The more targeted your ad is, the greater the chance of conversion.
This is an organic, or free, way to appear in search results. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a set of strategies that allow Google’s robots to read your website and its content and perceive value in it. When a small business does its homework properly, it tends to appear more and more in users’ search results.