Lead Management: 5 Best Practices to Increase Sales

In order to close as many sales as possible and not miss out on valuable opportunities. It is necessary that the contacts collected are managed properly by marketing and the sales force. This is where a very effective process comes into play: lead management.

What you need is a plan to attract, nurture and qualify new contacts. So you can provide salespeople with everything they need to close the deal.

Here are 5 tips for managing B2B leads effectively

Organizing leads
However you decide to manage your contacts. There are some essential elements to consider. Here they are.

Data cleansing: Eliminating duplicates, reorganizing them and filling in the blanks with all the contact details is the best way to avoid mistakes due to incorrect phone numbers or email addresses.
Creating personas: Prospects are not interested in what your company offers until they perceive a real interest in solving their needs or problems. Creating fictional representations of your target audience helps you have a clear idea of ​​who your potential customers are and what their needs are. So you can target your communications in the best possible way.
Go beyond basic information: names, addresses and contact details are essential, but this is just basic information progressive profiling. To make sure that customer data drives sales. It is important to capture details as the prospect moves through the various stages of the journey.
Score your leads

The Pareto principle states

For many outcomes, approximately 80% of the consequences come from 20% of the causes. Applying this concept to B2B marketing, this means that 80% of sales come from 20% of customers.
But how do you know if the request for information on your website comes from that 20% or the other 80%?
A key factor is the position of the customer in the sales pipeline. But even for new contacts it is possible to obtain a score by learning some basic information, which we list below.

Needs: Does the prospect need what the company offers? This single variable can help a valuable lead stand out and be considered a priority with respect to a wider audience.
Budget: Can the prospect afford the products or services offered? Even if products are available at different prices. It is important to know this information in advance, so that you can direct the buyer towards the one that best matches his needs, considering the budget.


When does he need it? Based on the b2b marketing strategy implemented, you must decide whether to give priority to prospects who are already ready to buy or whether to continue to nurture potential buyers whose demand aligns better with the offer.
Decision-making power: Is the lead in question the decision-maker within the company? Any contact is a step in the right direction, but a purchasing manager or a CEO must be considered more important than an intern, for example.
Effective scoring is the key to converting leads into prospects.

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Assigning leads to salespeople

One of the most delicate phases of lead management whatsapp numberlist resource is assigning contacts to the sales force. If the buyer knows nothing about the product or service offered, it is better to entrust them to someone who can provide the necessary information in an exhaustive manner; if, on the other hand, the lead is a pioneer in the sector, it is better to entrust them to an expert.

The important thing is that each potential customer bzb directory has an interlocutor, a dedicated contact person who helps them in the decision-making and purchasing process. It is important that the marketing team assigns leads to salespeople, also providing the information necessary to close the deal.

Furthermore, it is essential not to abandon customers after the purchase, but to maintain a careful and long-term relationship. If the sales team cannot handle this, it is a good idea to consider introducing a customer success manager into the company.

Monitor and optimize

It is very important to acquire all the information possible on how customers find the company and how they move through the sales funnel. What are the bottlenecks? Do customers simply lose interest at a certain point? Or can something be improved?

This information can help to refine the sales process or the product itself, eliminating possible obstacles. Thanks to monitoring, you can identify the weak points of the strategy, to make the necessary adjustments when necessary.

Automate processes

Not keeping track of how leads enter the sales process and what prevents them from continuing means losing valuable sales opportunities.

However, it is necessary to have the right tools available to ensure that contacts enter and continue in the sales process. Not only that: a CRM software allows you to organize, qualify and manage contacts from the initial request to the purchase decision.

HubSpot CRM

For example, is a system built on the needs of the sales force and offers various features designed to make sales processes more agile and effective.

The goal of an effective b2b sales strategy is to ensure that contacts are not lost along the purchasing path. Lead management activities allow you to attract new customers, nurture them and assign them to the sales team, who will then continue the negotiation.

A marketing automation platform

An indispensable support for managing and implementing new processes in a strategic way, with the aim of maximizing company revenue.

If your company is considering implementing marketing automation software, we offer you a free demo of HubSpot, the all-in-one marketing platform that includes Marketing, Sales, Service and the free CRM available in Italian.

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