How to design an email marketing strategy for Christmas

Sofia Yunes Santilli
Sofia Yunes Santilli
Campaign Assistant at @fromDoppler.

Wrote 23 posts


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Special dates are ideal times to reach new consumers and build customer loyalty . Do you  watermark design want to learn how to take advantage of them? Don’t miss this amazing post.

Why Send Seasonal Email Marketing Campaigns?
People are increasingly investing in events such as winter holidays, Cyber ​​Monday, Black Friday, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, etc. In fact, there is talk of sales amounting to millions of dollars in Latin America and around the world.

What is the reason for this trend? Mainly, because there is a greater need for consumption and a greater willingness to receive offers and promotions. So, why not take advantage of these events to send your Email Campaigns ?

According to eCommerce consultancy Custora , Email Marketing generated 23.1% of purchase orders during Cyber ​​Monday and 27% during Black Friday. Another figure that will interest you is that 1 in 5 consumers made a purchase after receiving an email from a company, according to data from eConsultancy .


7 Steps to Create Your Christmas Email Pieces

If you are new to the world of Seasonal Email Marketing, these tips will be of great help when creating your Campaigns for the end of the year holidays. Make the most of them!

Step #1: Schedule the dates
The only way to stay ahead of important events is to create a calendar that includes all the special dates relevant to your company. Knowing them in advance will give you time to prepare your Campaigns and stay ahead of your competition.

Step #2: Define the objective
The design and content of your piece will depend on what your goal is. To de 9 реальных стратегий по расширению списка адресов электронной почты termine it, you need to respect certain requirements. Make sure that your goals are:

Specific : What do you want to achieve?

Measurable : What metrics will you analyze and with what tools?

Achievable : Is it possible to achieve?

Relevant : Is it useful for your business?

Achievable within a certain period of time : how long will it take you to achieve it?

Step #3: Choose the type of Christmas Campaign
Once you have a clear idea of ​​the objective you want to achieve and the characteristics of your target audience, you will be ready to design your email piece . There are several types that you can use to your advantage. We afb directory  present them to you!

You can offer discounts, sales, 2X1, benefits and limited-time offers so that your Contacts can take advantage of them.

In these mailings, proper segmentation of your campaigns will become your direct ticket to success. Needless to say, none of your contacts would like to receive an offer that has nothing to do with their interests.





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