Hashtags for Instagram: instructions for use – Webpromoexperts blog

Do you regularly publish posts on hype topics on Instagram, determine the time when your audience is online and looks at your page, and new followers still do not come? There are no likes from third-party accounts, the reach and attendance are falling? What to do?

 There is a way out! These are tags or hashtags

Thanks to them, you telegram database users list   will attract more people to your account, get new followers and likes. But about everything in order. Let’s first understand what it is and how to use tags correctly.

Instagram tags: what they are and how to use them

A hashtag (tag) is a link within any social network (a word preceded by a # sign). It can be one word or several.

Importantly! If the hashtag consists of several words, they must be written without spaces. For example, #promotion on Instagram.

All tags are conditionally divided into 3 categories:

  1. High frequency. From 100,000 publications.
  2. Medium frequency. From 50,000 publications.
  3. Low frequency. Less than 50,000 posts.

To use tags, just add them to the photo description when publishing a new post

Keywords can be specified in English, Russian and other languages. They should relate to the topic of the post. But it is most profitable to create your personal tag (if you are a well-known blogger) or choose the most popular ones. It will be very easy for readers to find you by personal tag, and potential followers will come to the page by popular ones.

telegram database users list

In this social network

you can leave a maximum of 30 hashtags for likes under one post. The rest # will  the benefits of ai-powered content writing not work, but will simply merge into plain text.

Do not copy the same tags under every post, because Instagram will consider it as spam, and then your post will not be shown to users.

In addition, the “Hashtag Subscription” feature has recently appeared

which means that if your tags are not relevant to the photos, then users can complain about the post. After that, your post may disappear from the lists by tags, and the following photos with keywords will be underestimated in coverage.


Tags can be filled not only in the body of the post, but also in the comments. The be numbers main thing is that the comment must be from the account owner. The only reason why you shouldn’t use hashtags in comments is because you won’t be able to track statistics – how many people came to your page through tags.

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