Goodbye average position, hello new statistics in Ads

The average position of your ads: a frequently used statistic for Advertising specialists. From September 2019, this statistic will be replaced by four other statistics. Is this bad? No, because four others will be introduced that will give you more and more concrete insights about the ads. Do you want to prepare for this change and proceed in the right way? Then read our blog and discover the possibilities.

What is the average position?

The average position dates back to prehistoric times, at least the prehistoric times of Ads. Because since the start of Ads, this is a statistic that has been present. It serves to show your average position of the keywords. This gives you, as an Advertising marketer, interesting information about your keywords and advertisements. But it is still important not to be fooled by this statistic! An average position of 2 does not mean that your keyword has ranked at position 2 in every auction. It is only an average, where fluctuations are not shown.

In addition, position 1 does not mean that you have always been above all other ads. Not all ads are shown above the organic search telegram database users list results. This gives a distorted picture of your campaigns. This position has a lot of influence on the click-through rate of your ad. Potential customers often only look at the top results on the page. The click-through rate will then be a lot lower than if you are actually shown at the top of the search results page.

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The top position and absolute top

To give you more insights into your keywords and ads, Google is introducing new statistics. These statistics tell you how often your ads were at the top of the page (top) and what the share was of the absolute top of the page positions. To ການຂາຍເສມືນ: 6 ເຄື່ອງມືໂທຫາການຂາຍວິດີໂອທີ່ສໍາຄັນແລະເຕັກໂນໂລຢີທີ່ທ່ານຕ້ອງການ clarify this, first a short explanation of the differences:

At the top of the page are the ads that aleart news appear above the organic results.
However, absolute top includes the number 1 position.
The new statistics
As briefly mentioned, the ‘average position’ statistic will be replaced from September. In its place will come a number of new statistics, these are the following.


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