Discover how to make an exceptional conclusion to a text or essay with these techniques

A conclusion consists of briefly summarizing the most relevant points, providing the knowledge

explored throughout the text, but being careful not to repeat exactly what you have already written

(avoid redundancy!), or to add new information that has not been mentioned before.

The idea is to leave no loose ends for your reader, to clarify why your text should

matter to them, and to leave a lasting impression.

It happens to us in real life: the best memories come from good endings. You only have to take a look

at your own life to see that the memories you hold dearest and with the greatest detail are those

whose ending could not have been better.

And when these experiences generate good memories, unconsciously (although sometimes very consciously), you want to experience situations again that generate the same level of pleasure, so you go in search of the sensation; isn’t that right?

Taking this to another level, the same thing happens with activities such as writing and reading.

As a reader, you always hope to end up with a good impression and learning, which will lead you to look for more content of the same kind.

As a writer or content producer (in our case), you always need to build a text that satisfies the reader and awakens empathy and interest in what you have just presented to them.

What is a conclusion?

Sometimes it happens that, in order to uae telegram data define a matter, we must first resort to talking about what it is not. And this is precisely what I will do to define what a conclusion is.

Conclusions have been wrongly understood as a summary of everything that has already been presented in a text, and this is not the case! A conclusion is not a repetition of ideas, but rather, it is a key opportunity to emphasize the main idea or point of a writing at the end of its argument, presenting a general conclusion as a goal. .

In other words, the conclusion can be defined as the right moment to leave a memorable impression on the reader.

The objective of this part of the text is to remind you one last time why everything you have explained to you is important, to give you an explanation of the reasons for the results obtained and to leave the door open to other topics and other possible areas of interest to be addressed in the future, but which continue to be linked to your intellectual contribution.

Oh my God! All that at the same time?

Yes. Nobody said finishing is easy, it isn’t. It is in fact the most difficult part of the entire writing process. Including, and sometimes surpassing, the blank page crisis.

What should a conclusion have?

A conclusion is built from three stages:  purpose, problem and possibility. .

Let’s go through each one:


The first thing a conclusion should do 3 tips for developing intrapreneurship is clarify any doubts the reader may still have about the subject addressed.

That is, you go back to the main points, showing how you solved the problem. This helps the reader not forget what the most important point or points were that you addressed in the text.


Once you cover the important points, g seo work you need to show the reader that the text they just read offers a real solution. How? By emphasizing the main idea of ​​the text; what you wanted to demonstrate.


Knowledge is not a matter with an end point. On the contrary, it is something that is built indefinitely and your demonstration in a text is only a contribution to an even larger topic.

The conclusion, on the other hand, is an opportunity to invite the reader to continue feeling the desire to go deeper. And you can achieve this by making  a clear call to something you want the reader to do .

For example, invite them to wait for the next part of your writing or direct them to other content you have created with related topics so that the reader can learn more about the subject.

Invite him to contribute knowledge in the form of comments or simply to put into practice what he has learned to prove that what you have taught him works.

A good conclusion is just as important as an introduction. Let’s make a checklist before going into the topic in depth, so that you can remember the elements that absolutely cannot be missing when finishing your essays.

How to write a conclusion? 3 steps to achieve it perfectly


1. Write an opening sentence

Avoid clichés like “In conclusion,” “To conclude,” etc. After all, the reader already knows that you are about to conclude your text, right? Instead, you can use, for example, “The evidence we presented above shows that,” “Finally…”.

2. Avoid repetitions

While you should address the main points, that doesn’t mean you have to bore your reader by repeating the same information in an abbreviated form.

You can use phrases like “Due to”, “As you can see”, “For the reasons we mentioned” so you establish a relationship with the ideas without repeating them and you have space to conclude in a new and creative way.

3. Leave a lasting impression

Lasting impressions are those that remain in the reader’s mind even after finishing reading the text.

You can achieve this by asking provocative questions, ending with warnings, evoking an image, making a call to action, suggesting outcomes, and much more (get inspired by the types of conclusions section!)

How long should a conclusion be?

It’s a question that is really very open and subject to many variables to be answered. Really, the length of a conclusion depends on the type of text you are targeting, the  type of audience  you are addressing and the intensity of the information you are presenting.

If it is an article like this one, for example, which is an educational writing for the internet between 1000 and 1500 words, 2 paragraphs is a good length and sufficient for a conclusion.

In the case of research, an essay-type text, thesis or an in-depth study of considerable length, it is considered correct for the conclusion to be between 1 and 4 pages.

Let’s review:

I know we’ve touched on some things regarding the conclusion, so I feel it’s a good idea to prepare a list of things worth including or not when doing so:

A conclusion should NOT:

  • add new information to the conclusion;
  • repeat everything you have already said with fewer words;
  • present new arguments;
  • show little confidence when presenting the main argument;
  • be redundant;
  • be inconsistent with the subject you addressed in the structure.

A conclusion MUST :

  • review main points;
  • emphasize the importance of what you want to verify;
  • resume the result and impact in a concise way that left the main idea;
  • motivate further thinking about the topic;
  • invite to take a next action by means of suggestions.

Do you already know the things to keep in mind when introducing and developing your text? Download the free guide to learn!

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