Checklist for good cooperation with a proofreader

Are you about to start working with a copywriter or proofreader? Often you will already receive questions from the text professional, but good preparation is half the battle. That is why I will give you tips and a checklist in this blog with things you can think about when you start working with a copywriter or proofreader.

In communication we know the briefing. A good briefing is nothing more than an instruction with information and directions to be able to start an assignment. It is mainly about being able to describe briefly and powerfully what you expect from the communication professionals. After a good briefing, the mutual expectations are clear.

Rules of the game in brief :

  • Get to know each other
  • Know the reader of your texts
  • Agree on deadlines

I often try to schedule an introductory meeting with new clients. This way we get to know each other and I especially get to know the client, the company and the background of the texts that I will be checking, adjusting or writing. Are you also considering working with me or another text professional? Then at least think about the points below.

Do you want to have texts written or checked?

Do you already know if you want new texts? For example for your website, new blogs or a giveaway such as an e-book or a checklist? And are you going to write those texts yourself or have them written by a copywriter?

There is a difference between writing your own texts and having them checked by a proofreader and outsourcing the entire writing process. If you write your own texts, you can ensure that all the information you want to include is included. If you outsource the writing, the copywriter must receive the correct information from you or know what to look for in order to write a good text.

I like to work with entrepreneurs who write their own texts and have them adjusted or improved by me. Some still need to be shortened, others I change the sentence structure and others only make the occasional mistake that I correct.

Should SEO be considered?

If you know whether you are having your text written or just checked, you can also consider whether you want to look extra at SEO, keyword optimization. During a text correction I can also do that if I know which words are the most important.

Who are you and what do you do?

For a copywriter and proofreader it is good to know who is behind the text. So tell who you are and what you do. Usually this can already be done in an introductory meeting or when you request a quote. For example: I am Mirjam and as a coach I help women to better organize their work-life balance during a 3-month trajectory. With this summary I already know what you do, in what form and even for whom.

If possible, also tell what your goal is with how to build telemarketing data the texts. In a longer collaboration, the goal of the texts can differ from text to text. With a sales page, you want to sell your product or service, but with an about me page, you want to introduce the reader to you. With blogs, you often work on the know-like-trust factor, so also getting to know and gaining trust in you and your knowledge. Each very different goals that are important to know.

Know your target audience

How to Build Telemarketing Data

During the introduction, you often tell who you are helping. However, it is good for a text professional to know who the final reader of the text is. This also has an influence on the style of the text and the choice of words. Children are addressed very differently than older people and everything in between also varies with the level of education and the personal situation.

Think about:

  • Men or women or both
  • Business or personal (entrepreneur or private individual) and if business is it a small or large company?
  • Is the family situation interesting?
  • Interests, possibly hobbies and free time

For example, I once checked a workbook for children, but also the manuals that went to parents and teachers. There is already a difference in style and word choice. I also check blogs and messages for social media that are only interesting for midjourney nədir və onu necə istifadə etmək olar? entrepreneurs who already show interest in the services and products. Then you know that they already know the words that are used, with people who are just getting to know your service or product you quickly choose easier and more accessible words that are immediately clear and you try to avoid jargon.

Also read this blog about choosing between je/jij or u as a form of address for your reader .

Clear agreements

Make clear agreements. Agree on when you will provide information that the copywriter can use when writing new texts. But when making clear agreements, also consider what is and is not part of the assignment. For example, do you want to consult regularly by video calling? Then agree on when you will do that. Do you come with extra jobs in between? Then agree on whether this will be for the same rate or for an additional rate. For example, with me you can use the strip card for your blogs, messages for social media and other texts up to approximately 1500 words. But if you come with an e-book of 4000 words, you can use a project price for that.

Time and planning

Clear agreements also include a deadline and 1000 mobile phone numbers planning. Do you want your blog checked weekly or monthly? Do you want your e-book back within 2 days or do I get the whole week for that or maybe even longer? Do you want to hear from me about your job in the meantime or will you wait until the deadline? And are you available in the meantime for consultation about word choice or when information is unclear?

The clearer and more transparent the agreements are, the faster your text will be ready again.

Short checklist

Below are all the points you can consider for a good collaboration with a copywriter or proofreader.

  • Do you need a copywriter or a proofreader?
  • Who are you, what do you do and who do you do it for?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • Do you address your reader with je/jj or u?
  • Make clear agreements
  • Submit your information on time
  • Agree on deadlines

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