Another free method of keyword research is to use Google Search Console (GSC).
If you already have a website, you can check if it ranks for any keywords.
Log into GSC, set up your property if you haven’t done so before, and go to ” Search Results ” in the left navigation.
Next, select the four colored boxes for clicks, impressions, average click-through rate (CTR), and average position check what you are qualified for.
Scroll down and you’ll see a table showing the queries your site ranks for in Google, and their four corresponding metrics.
You can now add these keywords to your tracking tool.
Read more: How to use Google Search Console for keyword research
Use a keyword research tool to uncover opportunities
The Semrush Keyword Magic Tool telegram data uses a database of over 25 billion keywords, providing keyword suggestions and important metrics.
Start by entering a seed keyword relevant to your business.
Choose your destination country or leave “USA” as the default selection.
Then press the ” Send ” button.
You’ll then see a list of related keywords, along with corresponding key metrics such as search intent, search volume, and keyword difficulty. You can apply filters to narrow down your target search.
Once you’ve decided which keywords you want to target from that list, use the checkboxes and then click the ” + Add to Keyword List ” button to save them to the Keyword Strategy Builder Check what you are qualified for .
If you have already created a keyword list, you can choose the list you want to add keywords to.
Or you can create a new list by clicking ” Create new empty list ” and typing in a name for the list. Then click the green checkmark, and you’re done.
The alternative to saving them in the Keyword Strategy Builder is to select the keywords and export them to an XLSX or CSV file. You can create a list on your personal hard drive and upload everything to the Keyword Strategy Builder later.
To discover more keywords for other topics, go back to the first step of using the Magic Keyword Tool to enter another seed keyword.
Select the keywords you want and click “Export “.
Once you’ve compiled a list and are ready to upload it to the Keyword Strategy Builder, head over to the tool and click ” create a regular list .” Give it a name and click ” Create List .”
To upload your keywords, click the blue ” Add Keywords ” button at the top right of the screen. A window like this will appear, with a field to paste your list check what you are qualified for.
Step 2: Interpret and analyze keyword data
Understanding the data you collect for extending wordpress capabilities your keywords is just as important as tracking them.
If you track keywords with Semrush, you’ll see key metrics like intent, keyword difficulty, position, volume, and more.
It is the type of intention – navigational, informative, commercial or transactional – that search engines have for the keyword.
For example, the intent for “home wall decorating ideas” is informational, meaning the searcher is looking for information and is not likely to make a purchase or convert in another way, such as signing up for a newsletter.
On the other hand, the intent for “best home decor catalogs” is commercial, meaning the searcher is in the research phase and might be close to purchasing.
Keyword difficulty is a metric that measures how competitive a term or phrase is, and therefore how difficult it may be to rank for it check what you are qualified for.
For example, “best home decor brands” has a keyword difficulty score of 22%, suggesting it should be easy to rank for.
On the other hand, “homemade wall decoration ideas” has a difficulty score of 71%, which means it is more competitive.
It is the ranking of your website for the keyword in the SERPs.
Your goal should be to rank as high as possible on the first page of results for any keyword.
In general, the higher you rank for a keyword, the more traffic you can get. CTRs in search results increase the higher your position.
Search volume is the average number of monthly searches for the keyword over the past 12 months.
On the other hand, “home decor ideas for wall” has a volume of 320, which might bring relatively more traffic.
Step 3: Determine keyword competition and search volume
You can assess the viability of keywords by analyzing their competition levels and search volumes.
In this example, using the Semrush Keyword Overview tool , the keyword “yoga mat” has a keyword difficulty of 72% on a scale of 0-100%. It will be difficult to rank for.
If you focus solely on hard-to-rank keywords, you may not get the results you expect.
And if you only focus on keywords that are easy to rank for, you could be missing out on important traffic. Find a balance that makes sense for your business.
Search volume is another metric you business sale lead should look at in your research. It’s a metric provided by SEO tools to help you determine the popularity of a keyword. For example, “dog food” has about 135,000 monthly searches in the United States check what you are qualified for.