All the tips to implement for better customer database management

Poorly execut data management can lead to inappropriate and often risky decision-making. To avoid this, the solution is to use tips to improve data management. The goal is to find solutions to common problems. This article aims to provide you with some alternatives to better manage your customer database.

Remove duplicates

Customer data management and qualification are generally more efficient when duplicates existing in the database are remov. For any company, applying such a procure considerably increases the number of customers wishing to get in touch with it and this via multiple means of communication (e-mail, telephone, social networks, etc.). Thus, optimizing the database involves avoiding the insertion of duplicates as much as possible. Inde, this phone number library is one of the essential conditions for preserving the quality of the data and this is done as soon as they are enter. Solutions such as outsourcing to companies specializing in remote assistance are one of the safest ways to obtain results without duplicates. Otherwise, software is also available with the ability to instantly delete a detect duplicate.

Establish a management protocol


phone number library

Rules must be appli when developing a database . Inde, it is more efficient to classify customers. In a way, it is necessary to establish a categorization according to their size: small, mium and large. Each category is accompani by a management protocol. In a way, this method makes it possible to identify inactive customers and choose between keeping them, relaunching them or permanently deleting them. Natural attrition, that is, the loss ny fanitsiana ny tanjona of customers, must also be taken into account, because it represents approximately 12 to 14% each year. The solution is either to replace them or to

search for them and reintegrate them via the mov files. In other words, this management protocol must be establish upstream of customer data management. Over time, it is also advisable to carry out an audit of the database and to distinguish the marketing or commercial exploitation bases from those intend for statistical calculations.

Fe the database

On this tip, the task is to identify b2b fax lead the files that can be us to fe the database. These are, among others, the accounting management tools that must be link to the database and the data collect following the sale of goods and services in direct mode, B to B or B to C or in indirect sales (networks, intermiaries, etc.)

To fe a database, it is also recommend to develop a classification that aims to qualify the data into three groups, namely essential, useful and secondary. Essential data concerns accounting and identification information such as the identity of the customer or information resulting from surveys. Useful data are the dates of birth of customers and secondary data are rather elements coming from customer services or after-sales service.

Remove items consider surplus

After being f, the database must then be cleand. The first to be affec are invalid data leading to returns. For example, the customer is no longer hous at the address indicat or has left without leaving any information. Additional costs are generat when they are not delet. By using certain tools, it is possible to identify non-compliant addresses while bringing them up to standard by referring to postal data. In this


sense, you can clean, update and classify the data according to an easy-to-process model. This tool also allows for automatic rectification of addresses by returning a single response or by interactive correction in order to restore those with a high probability of being among the “undeliver letters”. As you can see, developing a database requires more investment. Hence the n to entrust it to a specialist such as the offshore outsourcing company Laplume Madagascar

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