Live Rings – helps viewers identify when a channel

This week on latest digital marketing updates: YouTube enhances Livestream experience for creators and viewers with five new features, Instagram enables all users to tag products on posts, Google removed seven million fake business profiles in 2021, Meta published 2022 State of Small Business Report examining impacts of the ongoing pandemic, and Twitter Introduces Keyword Search for DMs.

Here are the latest news, trends, and updates in detail:


 Rolls Out 5 New Features for Livestreams

YouTube enhances the Live stream shop experience for creators and viewers with five new features in the pipeline.

New features were previewed in a video on YouTube’s Creator Insider channel. These five features include:

  • Go Live Together – collaborative live streaming feature for mobile devices. It allows creators to invite guests to stream with them by sending a link. The host who creates the live stream can invite and screen their guests before going live to their viewers. Pre-roll and mid-roll ads can appear in a Go Live Together stream, but guest streamers won’t benefit from those. Ad revenue will be attributed to the host channel. The feature is currently running a small pilot test, and the test will expand to more creators after.
  • live by adding a ring around a channel’s profile picture

  • It’s intended to help increase discovery austria business fax data list and viewership for a creator’s live streams on YouTube. Tapping on a profile picture with a Live Ring will direct the viewer to the active live stream. Currently, Live Rings are seen on certain screens on mobile devices and will be rolled out across YouTube later this year.
  • Cross-channel live redirects – creators with at least 1,000 subscribers can use a feature called live redirect to direct viewers from a live stream video or premier to another live stream or premier on their own channel. However, they can’t direct viewers to a live stream or premier hosted on another channel.
  • Uninterrupted split-screen viewing 

  • a new uninterrupted view of the live business sale lead stream is now possible with the split-screen approach, available with two different viewing experiences for mobile devices. In the “lean in” video and live chat experience, the live chat engagement panel will be on the right side of the screen, replacing the live chat overlay from the classic view. The “lean back” or collapsed live chat experience allows the video to be on full screen when watching in landscape mode. The chat is then represented by the viewer count in the lower right corner. When the viewer count is clicked, it brings the viewer to the “lean in” mode. The “lean back” experience will show a teaser of key moments like polls to ensure the viewer doesn’t miss anything. This feature is already available as of writing.
  • Live Q&A – live Q&A allows viewers to submit questions during a live stream based on the creator’s question prompt.

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