TOP 5 most dangerous ways to monetize a website

1st place. Fraud and poor quality services
Many of those who create websites do not take this activity seriously at first. Thinking only about profit, they offer services or information products of low quality and thus kill loyalty to themselves. Remember that one satisfied client will bring three new ones, and a dissatisfied one will take away ten! Concentrate on the quality of the information that you place on the site.

Trading links on the site

If you are a newbie, this may be news to you. The position of a site in search engines depends largely on how many other sites link middle east mobile number list to it and what kind of sites they are. The more quality resources contain links to your site, the more search engines trust it. Some sites sell links. Naturally, search engines do not welcome this method of promotion. Algorithms have long been developed that allow you to identify whether your site places links in a “normal” way or sells them. And if your site is caught selling links, search engines will impose some kind of sanctions on it.

They usually consist of your site being moved

The last places in the index and therefore links to your site will be placed at the very end of the search results. It is also possible that links to your resource will be removed from the search results altogether. It must be said that the sanctions are temporary and if search engines “understand” that you have corrected most dangerous yourself, the positions of your site will be restored. But in general, of course, it’s better not to run into sanctions.

The picture above shows a clear example of such purchased links

There is no doubt vibrant and colorful craft websites that the link is paid for. Firstly, this link is hidden in the left sidebar of the site. Secondly, it has most dangerous nothing to do with the text of the article. People reading the article are adb directory unlikely to be interested in such a link and click it, so the link is not “clickable”. Whether you need it or not – decide for yourself.


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