Website hosting: how can this factor influence your business?

In addition to a beautiful layout and quality content, there is another factor that can positively or negatively affect the success of your online business: website hosting.

This service works as a platform where your company’s website is published. Website hosting will ensure that the online content developed for your business is visible on the internet to users 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Caring about where your website is hosted has a direct and indirect impact on your company’s relationship with its customers. And we’ll explain why.


How important is website hosting?

When you plan to travel, you special database carefully choose the place where you will stay, rest and store your belongings, right? It works the same way with your website!

Good website hosting can save you a lot of headaches and allow your user to have a great experience when browsing your content pages.

Furthermore, good hosting influences other important factors in performance:


There are factors that help your why is seo important for dentists achieve a prominent position in Google results. Page loading time is one of the factors evaluated by the search engine.

A very slow website will have its quality score negatively evaluated by Google’s robots. Even if your website has richer content than your competitor’s, there is a chance that it will be ahead of you in the list of results because it loads faster.

The time that the website remains online, the so-called uptime, also influences its positioning and has a lot to do with the type of website hosting. No one likes to browse a website that is down every so often, right?


Another point to consider is security. Google will not take b2c fax to pages that do not offer security certifications. Such as SSL, for example, which is the padlock located next to the domain, attesting that the site is trustworthy.

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