Project Management: Learn New ways of doing business and meeting the demands of more demanding consumers and customers are being driven directly by technology, in many cases with new technologies and disruptive models. The companies responsible for creating these new models are also changing their premises, they are born already to new technological platforms and use methodologies that were previously by many companies, especially the more traditional ones. Therefore, the traditional methods of managing IT projects that were once widely are starting to make way for more agile methodologies. Learn more:
IT Project Management Methods
Traditional methods are making Project Management: Learn much more room for what is now known as the agile method. Even so, there are different types of businesses that prefer the older or more traditional forms of project management, due to some of their benefits that current businesses do not see as mandatory. Both forms have their benefits, let’s look at some of them.
Traditional method – Waterfall
Focus on Planning
The traditional method is also known as planning-methodologies. This means that the project team agrees on the scope, deadline, resources and quality and creates a project plan for the product they to deliver, defining the tools that will be and what may be in the future.
In this case, the scope is a fundamental part of
The project plan, as it is from it that the project plan can be.
Complete product
In the traditional method, the software is korea telegram data when it is completely ready. The company starts using it after the new complete solution is . Project Management: Learn If new features to be , a new project or improvement actions are and the services are.
Defined budget
One of the benefits of working with the traditional how to know if a bill is fake? 4 tips to identify it method is that the cost is before the project begins, according to the company’s and the software ‘s features , making it easier to plan expenses. This is especially true when it comes to budgeting before the company’s decision-making forum.
Agile method
Agile methodologies work in different ways, and beb directory different companies adopt certain practices that shape the way they are. The main forms are known as Scrum and XP (extreme programming). Both have their specific characteristics. But the idea is basically the same: to use agile methodologies.
Less planning, more production
In the agile method, the client gives an idea of what they from the platform and the project team starts development. As the product begins to take shape, the client effectively collaborates with what they think would be necessary to add so that the software meets their demands. Project Management: Learn This is done in short cycles, allowing for quick adjustments with less effort.
Constant and testing
In this agile methodology, tests are constantly to ensure the stability of the solution, and clients provide constant to make improvements and changes that they deem necessary. This way, it is not necessary to wait for a specific testing phase to identify problems and/or gaps in the product that will be.
Fast deliveries
Instead of delivering a 100% final product, as is normally done in the traditional method. In the agile method things work differently. Since there is no such type of planning as in the traditional method, there is also no final product, that is, the product is constantly with adjustments to maintain the requirements and quality of the product.
Once the team produces an initial version of the program, with the minimum and simplest functionalities so that it can be and meet the most basic. It is and and from there the improvements will shape the more complete product.
Simple is the rule
The idea behind agile is to keep things simple. Since teams will continue to work with the client constantly, there is no to add tools and features. That may not be necessary. Everything that is in the software is what is , as it is constantly and.
Which is the best?
Each method has advantages and disadvantages depending on the and habits of each company. Many companies prefer to work with specific goals, have a deadline for delivering the software , and calculate the total investment costs in the platform at once. The traditional method provides more security.