By dividing ad groups into text ads and banner ads, you can visualize advertising performance and make it easier to improve effectiveness.
Since the effectiveness of text and images is
significantly different even for the morocco whatsapp data same delivery content, you should separate ad groups for text and banner ads not only for remarketing ads but also when operating the display network.
(4) Check the device performance of smartphones and PCs and adjust accordingly
Ad performance is check for each device what is attribution that you should know if you are advertising? and the bid price is set accordingly.
>If the bid price for PCs and smartphones is set to the same, a large number of ads may be deliver to smartphones. This is because the bidding competition for smartphones is not as fierce as for PCs.
If the landing page is not smartphone-compatible, the dropout rate will be high, resulting in a large loss. To prevent this from happening, the performance is check separately for PCs and smartphones on a regular basis and the bid amount is adjust.
(5) Use Google’s recommend target cost per acquisition (CPA) feature
Google Adwords has a feature call target cost per conversion. Which is said to increase conversion rates by 1.9 times.
>This is because the optimal cost per click is automatically calculat each time an ad is display. Bas on past campaign information and the situation at the time of the auction. So that the maximum number of conversions can be obtain at the set target cost per conversion.
By using target cost per conversion,
Advertisers do not ne to adjust their bids. It is whatsapp database a convenient feature that only requires advertisers to set the target cost per conversion. And the rest is managd and operat by Google’s system.
>However, to use this function. It is necessary to use Google. Adwords conversion tracking and have a track record of more. Than 30 conversions in the past 30 days. The more conversions there are, the more accurate the Google system will be.