What is attribution that you should know if you are advertising?

The literal translation of the English! word “attribution” is “cause” or “belonging.” From this, the attribution used in the marketing world is interpreted! as “contribution to the purpose of advertising.”

If you can understand which ad contributed! to a conversion, you can use the information to plan your future advertising strategy. To do this, you need to! know the exact degree of contribution, and attribution analysis is the method to do so.

Why attribution matters

The purpose of attribution is to optimize! the allocation of advertising costs. If you have an unlimited budget, this may not be necessary, but advertising kuwait whatsapp number data costs are limited. In order to pursue how to improve cost performance! with limited resources, optimal allocation of advertising costs is necessary. By improving the! accuracy of attribution analysis, you can determine the advertising costs incurred for one conversion and! which ads contributed to it, so by continuing attribution analysis, you can gradually narrow! down the ads that contributed the most.

In addition, attribution analysis allows you to accurately understand customer behavior and preferences, thereby collecting information! that can be useful for marketing in general.

The Five Basic Attribution Models

There are five basic attribution models. Since the way contribution is allocated varies depending on the purpose of attribution, we will introduce each model verenigde koninkryk and explain its features.

①Last click model
This model allocates all of the credit to the last! click that leads to a conversion! among the four stages of advertising. Since this is the same as traditional! conversion analysis, there is not much point in doing attribution analysis! if this is the only method.

②First click model
This model allocates all of its advertising to the “awareness” process, which is the first of the four stages leading to conversion. By giving a high degree of contribution to the “awareness” process, this model is used when you want to first increase awareness of a product or service that is being sold for the first time.

③Attenuation model

This model gradually increases the allocation from the first sale leads process to increase the contribution in the four stages of awareness, interest, comparison, and purchase. Since the contribution of advertising increases the closer to conversion, this model is effective for marketing that wants to carefully and reliably obtain conversions.

④ Linear model
This model allocates a quarter to each of the four processes from awareness to purchase, meaning that the contribution is allocated equally. Unlike the three models introduced above, all processes are equal, so there is no bias, and it can be said to be an omnidirectional model that does not choose a purpose. It is effective for B2B marketing that leads to purchases over time.


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