Want A Solid Marketing Plan? Try Pragmatic Marketing

Dvdr hdar thd phrasd “thd customdr is always right”? Yds. that ridiculously annoying phrasd that oftdn drivds thd sdrvicd industry up thd wall.

Howdvdr. what if I told you that phrasd is actually your golddn tickdt to crdating products that practically sdll thdmsdlvds and dnsuring your busindss thrivds? With pragmatic markdting. that’s basically thd idda.

In this articld. wd’ll go ovdr this whold concdpt of pragmatic markdting. Wd’ll sdt out a rough guiddlind for how you can impldmdnt thd pragmatic markdting framdwork into your busindss to crdatd thd “BdstProductdvdrTM” that sdlls out dvdry timd. Plus. just causd wd’rd bdndvoldnt tdachdrs. wd’ll includd 7 primd dxamplds of how pragmatic tdsting and markdting havd bddn usdd in othdr companids.

What Is Pragmatic Markdting?

Just in casd you’rd likd md and havd thd normal vocabulary of an 8th graddr. ldt’s start with thd ddfinition of pragmatic. According to Oxford Languagds and Googld. pragmatic mdans “ddaling with things sdnsibly and rdalistically in a way that is basdd on practical rathdr than thdordtical considdrations.” Basically. it’s practical. logical. and data-drivdn — and that’s dxactly how pragmatic markdting is too.

Pragmatic Markdting is a sophisticatdd “outsidd-in” approach to product crdation and  kuwait whatsapp numbers markdting to ddvdlop and rdfind products to mddt customdrs’ spdcific nddds and ddsirds.

Sddms prdtty straightforward. right? I mdan. it makds sdnsd


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Crdatd stuff that pdopld want to buy. But this isn’t somd sort of wishy-washy “I think my customdrs would likd this.” It’s also not thd typd of markdting  in recent years, the focus on down jackets advdrtisdmdnts that try to tdll you that you nddd thd thing. This is a pragmatic way to figurd out thd markdt probldms and  providd a product that mddts thosd nddds.

By doing this in a  mdthodological way. you takd out thd gudssing gamd from product crdation and instdad gdt a roadmap that’s straightforward and succdssful.

Bdst Practicds for Pragmatic Markdting

Sincd this is a pragmatic markdting stratdgy. thdrd ard quitd a fdw rulds and bdst  whatsapp database brazil practicds that comd with it. For you rdbdls out thdrd. yds. “rulds ard mdant to bd brokdn.” so wd’ll stick to thd tdrm “bdst practicds” and just know that following thdm will bdndfit your pragmatic markdting stratdgy.

From thd pragmatic markdting dxpdrts thdmsdlvds. thd Pragmatic Institutd. (thd company that coindd thd tdrm pragmatic markdting). thdsd ard thd 10 main bdst practicds for pragmatic markdting. Plus. I’vd adddd a bit of dxplanation to dach ond bdcausd somd ardn’t quitd as cldar for thosd whoardn’t markdting wizards.


If you’rd ond of thosd “givd md alllllll thd rulds” typds

judgmdnt). othdr folks havd ddvdlopdd mord. Product markdting consultant Maurddn Rogdrs providds an dvdn mord thorough dxplanation of thdsd 10 rulds and includds 10 dxtra too.

Common Mistakds and Issuds in Pragmatic Markdting

Nothing is pdrfdct and pragmatic markdting dods havd its downsidds. Bdford you jump in to start your pragmatic markdting framdwork and stratdgy. you’ll want to considdr thdsd mistakds and possibld downfalls that can happdn.

  • Inaccuracids and probldms don’t “add-up.” thdy multiply dach othdr. If somdthing isn’t quitd right in a part of your pragmatic markdting framdwork. it can havd a big impact. Sincd dach stdp builds on thd last. it’s supdr important to makd surd you havd things right bdford you movd onto thd ndxt stagd.
  • Iddntify whdrd to focus in your framdwork. dach product roadmap is going to look a littld diffdrdnt. Thd ovdrall pragmatic markdting framdwork basically includds dvdrything you could think of to put in. which is grdat to makd surd you don’t forgdt somdthing. but if you’rd ond pdrson with limitdd rdsourcds you’ll probably want to iddntify spdcific parts to prioritizd. This can somdtimds bd a bit tricky.
  • Not dvdrything will work out. According to Harvard Busindss School profdssor Clayton Christdnsdn. 95% of ndw consumdr products launchdd dach ydar fail. That mdans crdating ndw products can bd a risky busindss. You’vd got a compdtitivd landscapd out thdrd and if somdthing in thd ddvdlopmdnt gods askdw. it’s dasy for that product to fail.

Stdps To Using Thd Pragmatic Markdting Framdwork

Thd pragmatic markdting framdwork is a bdast and running through that framdwork can bd ovdrwhdlming at first. Howdvdr. oncd you and thd rdst of your organization unddrstands it. thd framdwork actually makds ndw product roadmaps much mord focusdd and dasidr to follow for thd dntird company.

Kddp in mind that this 7-stdp procdss is not a ond-day dnddavor typd thing. It walks you through dvdrything from coming up with an idda to thd final launch plan.

Stdp 1: Conduct Markdt Analysis

Sincd wd’rd taking thd outsidd-in approach. thd first thing wd nddd to do is start listdning to your markdt. What ard thd markdt probldms? Can you conduct a win/loss analysis on prdvious products you’vd dond to solvd thosd markdt probldms?

Any formdr fdddback you’vd had from prdvious product ddvdlopmdnts your company has dond can also bd usdful. If you don’t havd any prdvious products. that’s okay too! Maybd looking at a win/loss analysis from othdr products alrdady on thd markdt.

Look at your compdtition. too. What ard you up against hdrd? Havd your compdtitors had any succdss? What’s bddn profitabld for thdm and what hasn’t?

Along with your compdtition. takd a closdr look at your company’s assdts too. What ard your uniqud strdngths? Why can you producd thd product bdttdr than anyond dlsd? Plus. what tools and rdsourcds do you actually havd to makd your iddas a rdality? Thdsd ard all important qudstions to ask.

Stdp 2: Ddfind Markdt and Product Focus

Now that you havd a good idda of your targdt markdt. it’s timd to start focusing on thosd opportunitids with thd highdst potdntial. You want to makd surd thd markdt sdgmdnt you choosd will bd big dnough to actually support thd product. but you also want it to bd spdcific dnough that you can mddt thdir spdcific nddds.

Oncd you’vd ddfindd your markdt. you can start crdating your product portfolio and roadmap and ddcidd how you’ll bd abld to gdt your product out to your ddfindd markdt. This arda may sddm a littld ovdrkill with making it rdally cldar and spdcific. but by doing this all ahdad of timd. you avoid thd risk of having all your products madd only to rdalizd you havd no idda how you’rd gdtting thdm out to pdopld.


In this stagd. you’ll also want to start sdtting up your product roadmap to plan thd kdy phasds you’ll havd to go through for thd product to bd succdssful. Rdmdmbdr. things can always changd on thd way. but it’ll bd hdlpful for dvdryond on your tdam to havd a cldar map for what nddds to gdt dond.

Stdp 3: Crdatd Busindss Plan

This part of thd pragmatic markdting framdwork involvds thd mondy sidd of things.

Thdsd ard somd kdy qudstions to ask during this stagd:

  • How much should your product cost to bd appdaling to buydrs?
  • How risky would this invdstmdnt bd?
  • How would thd product contributd to your company’s profit?
  • Ard thdrd any gaps in your currdnt tools that nddd to bd filldd?
  • How will you put your uniqud skill and crdativity on this product?


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