The best Marketing Automation software

Julieta Orellano
Julieta Orellano
Content Manager ler. Lover of reading, drinking mate, practicing yoga and being in nature.

Wrote 60 posts



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Digital marketing has made great strides in the last two decades, and within this framework, tools, methods and strategies have emerged to automate as much as possible the management of all acquisition, interaction and sales channels of a specific company or business.

In fact, today, there are very few businesses or startups that do not automate at least one of their marketing actions.

Most digital businesses use Automated Email Marketing strategies for their businesses, but also chatbots, Push notifications, SMS, lead management and lead nurturing, among others.

Below is a list of the best marketing automation software to boost your business without wasting your budget or time.

The 11 Best Marketing Automation Tools and Platforms
Marketing automation tools are a great ally, and while many require more advanced knowledge, others are very intuitive and easy to use.

1. Doppler

Doppler is an Automation

Marketing and Email Marketing platform that will be extremely  Arbeidswetten yn in ynstelling foar lytse bedriuwen useful for you to have your control center for processes and workflows directly in one place. In addition, you will be able to create Email Campaigns and sequences according to the behavior or interests of each particular user, using segmentation to give each potential Lead what they want to find.

Not only will this increase your business’s sales, if it is an online store, but it will also gradually nurture  alb directory   customers who are not yet ready to make a purchase. You can also increase lead acquisition through web forms, pop-ups and landing pages, or by sending SMS or making yourself visible with push notifications.

Doppler can be integrated with a wide range of tools, such as your CRM, your e-commerce, your Google Analytics or your CMS if it is WordPress, Wix or another. In fact, you can make the most of WhatsApp by displaying a form when the user clicks on the application icon, obtaining extremely useful data for your business.

If we are looking for a reliable, stable tool, created for the markets of Argentina, Mexico, Colombia and LATAM, Doppler is the best option, since it is focused on satisfying the needs of this region, and we have thousands of satisfied customers who continue to prefer us since we started almost 20 years ago.

If you are looking for a plan that fits your company’s size and requirements, feel free to contact us or create your own custom plan on the Doppler Pricing page .


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