Email Marketing Strategies to Help You Succeed This Black Friday 2024

Ennio Castillo
Ennio Castillo
Partner Manager aomDoppler. He likes to travel and learn languages. In his free time he enjoys swimming, listening to rock and reading about Marketing.

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Are you ready for a new Black Friday?

One of the most important online shopping and selling events in Latin America is approaching and many stores are joining in, offering significant discounts on their products. Do you have your online marketing actions ready for these days?

During Black Friday, many brands sell products that are not usually in high demand and reduce stock for the following year. In addition, they stand out from the competition with good prices and free shipping. Want to know more? Put these tips into practice and position your business as a sales leader. Let’s get to work!

Create a range of offers
During Black Friday, consumers buy items that are normally out of their interest, either because of their high prices or because they are not a priority, but due to the great offers and the power of advertising, they feel the urgency to acquire them.

Remember the phrase “People always want what they can’t have” ? These days, people are desperate to get their hands on those products that have always been out of their reach.

A good idea to take advantage of Black Friday is to invite more users to subscribe to your Lists to receive exclusive offers every day . This way you will be able to increase your Database in a short time and follow those Leads until they become clients.

Send Email Marketing Campaigns

Build excitement around your sales before Black Friday arrives! You can start advertising your discounts to create uncertainty and spark curiosity among your Contacts.

A good practice is to get your customers’ permission to send them information about upcoming deals. Include an attractive CTA (Call to Action) like: “I want to know about Black Friday deals,” and make it clear that they will know about your promotions before everyone else. Make them feel exclusive!

On the other hand, if there is one benefit worth highlighting about Email Marketing, it is the possibility of accessing detailed statistics after sending an email. Access the results of previous campaigns to find out which products or services your prospects have shown the most interest in.

Not all of your customers are the same. After analyzing the Reports , mainly openings and clicks, you can segment your Contact Lists and send them personalized emails with Black Friday deals that they will surely love – it’s a great idea to avoid overwhelming them!

If you want your Email Campaigns to convert, you will need to come up with a structure specifically geared towards this, and one of the keys to achieving this is to include eye-catching CTAs in visible places. These will guide the user through the Email piece and take them directly to the purchase.

Pay special attention to the Subject Lines of your Email LinkedIn: Mikä se on ja miten se toimii teollisuusyrityksessä  Campaigns , as this is what will ultimately determine whether or not the user will click to open the Email. It is preferable that they are direct and clear, announcing a promotion or transmitting a sense of urgency. How many Emails do you receive daily? How many of them catch your attention? This depends largely on the Subject Line. Take your time to create it, but make sure it is attractive!

Recover abandoned carts

Many users abandon their cart before completing a purchase. How can you reverse this usa b2b list  situation? By creating Email Automation Campaigns , you can schedule a sending or a series of automatic emails that are triggered after the person abandons their cart. This can be an excellent opportunity to recover them and get them to complete the purchase.

What information does this email contain? It is an exclusive discount on the product the user was looking at. It also usually contains an attractive photo of the product and an urgent notice saying that the item will only be available for “X” time. Irresistible, don’t you think.


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