Artificial intelligence in marketing: Threat or opportunity?

Arnau City
Arnau City
Copywriter at Amedia Social. University student of Advertising and Public Relations in his free time and passionate about careers

Wrote 2 posts



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A few years ago, a new concept began to circulate on the creative tables of marketing agencies around the world. Its description seemed like something out of a science fiction movie. And in a way, it was, but Artificial Intelligence is already a reality.

The feeling of disbelief about its efficiency has only been overshadowed by the fear of many others of “being left without a job.” Without a doubt, such divided opinions have only been a symptom of something overwhelming: AI has arrived to revolutionize everything, and how!

Today, with these tools covering virtually every area of ​​our daily lives, there are more certainties than doubts. AI has become the spearhead of content marketing, giving a competitive advantage to those who use it effectively.

In this article, we’ll explore how Artificial Intelligence has transformed content creation and guide you to make the most of these tools. Let’s get started!

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Using AI in digital marketing: how to leverage it correctly?

Image generated by Microsoft’s free tool, Copilot.

The effectiveness of AI in creating content for social media is indisputable, especially in a  ad campaign images editing competitive landscape like the current one. While it is true that you can generate effective content for social media without the need for this technology, the facilities that these tools provide will help you stand out favorably and complement a successful social media strategy.

But, it is not enough to use a particular one , to achieve personalization, scalability and efficiency of the content, it is necessary to adopt different intelligent systems . The reason is simple: each tool has particularities that can be exploited in certain aspects, for example, there are tools for:

Generating content:, ShortlyAI,

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Automate: Buffer, IFTTT, Zapier, Flick.
Customize : Facebook Custom Audiences.
Analyze data : Hootsuite Analytics, Sprout Social Analytics.
Creative ideas: Brainstormer, MindMeister.
And others that provide a more general answer, such as ChatGPT or the free versions from Google and Microsoft, Gemini and Copilot respectively . These are an excellent alternative to start familiarizing yourself with AI before moving on to more technical options.

These tools have perfectly adapted artificial intelligence to provide content creators with a robust option for generating ideas. In addition, they are able to quantify important data that must be included in any marketing strategy.

The creative revolution for content creators: An AI for every role
As we mentioned earlier, incorporating various AI systems into a  Запросы раскрытызапросах к базе данных и их важности marketing strategy will help you create effective, creative, and personalized content. Now, if we focus exclusively on content, there are 3 aspects that stand out above the others: Text, video, and images.

A picture is worth a thousand words: Turn your words into an image with AI
Image generation tools from text have become a quick option to give agb directory  the exact visual to a particular idea. They are perfect to accompany your blog entries, complement posts on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram or X, some are:

Leonardo AI: This is an AI that allows you to generate images or graphics from scratch based on other images that serve as reference. The free version is limited to certain jobs per day.
Midjourney: This is one of the most well-known and effective. It creates images from text and you can modify them until you achieve the desired result.
DALLE-2: It was created by OpenAI, the creators of ChatGPT and for obvious reasons its optimization is fantastic. However, there is no free version.

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