Disruptive Innovation: Create the Business That Will Reinvent Your Business

Disruptive Innovation: Create We are increasingly consuming new disruptive products and services, but we often don’t even realize it. When we talk about disruptive products, whether it’s technology or even new models, we are usually talking about Startups, but this cannot be considered a rule.

Startups, according to one of the most

Disruptive Innovation: Create Influential people in the entrepreneurial ecosystem, Eric Ries, in the book Lean Startup, have the following definition: “a human institution designed to create new products and services under conditions of extreme uncertainty.” There are many other definitions, but this one exemplifies the startup scenario well.

In the following paragraphs

I will explain in a simple way what disruptive innovation is and how to incorporate it into your company.

But after all, what is disruptive innovation?

Before we get into how you can make the hong kong telegram data Disruptive Innovation: Disruptive Innovation: Create Create most of disruptive innovation, it’s important to clarify what it means. The classic definition is “A product or service that creates a new market and disrupts competitors that previously dominated it,” coined by Harvard professor Clayton Christensen in 1995 and later further detailed in his book The Innovator’s Dilemma and The Innovator’s Solution.

Let’s look at some examples, to

Make it easier to understand I have separated asaas payment methods: how to charge customers and optimize sales the concept into technology and disruptive business.

You probably had or used an old camera, one of those that used film and you hoped that when the photos were developed, they would all come out and none would burn.

Well, from the end of the 90s and

Disruptive Innovation: Create Beginning of 2000, digital cameras began to be sold and this was certainly a milestone in this market. In addition beb directory to no longer having to develop the photos, you can also see how the photo will look before clicking, take as many photos as you want and store them on a memory card. Not to mention that today we can do this through smartphones and store your photos in the cloud. But we still have a long way to go, with IoT (Internet of Things) the opportunities are endless.

On the other hand, disruptive business

Models are based on providing new ways of making and offering products or services, based on more creative forms of current models, meeting the same need in a different way. We have many examples of these models, many of them already known, such as UBER, WhatsUp, AirBnB, Apple, Amazon, Google and many others, many of these services are based on Shared Services or O2O – Online to Offline. Disruptive innovation is gaining strength, disrupting and breaking many century-old businesses.

What are the paths of Disruption?

Disruptive Innovation: Create startupWith a better understanding of what disruptive innovation is, we can move forward and understand the paths to follow. Disruptive models are rapidly emerging in the Startup ecosystem and their entrepreneurs, in addition to creativity and passion, use the Lean Startup concept.

Well, before we move on to the main topic of this article, I want to clarify the Lean Startup concept, so let’s talk about 4 basic topics.

Try it out From the moment an idea or

Business vision emerges, you create your hypotheses, however, you do not initially know whether your hypotheses are true or false. From there, as Eric Ries exemplifies in his book, you begin your tests empirically. Disruptive Innovation: Create The objective of these tests is to experiment and validate what is true and what is false; in other words, you validate the acceptance of your product or service by your target audience. Starting from this principle, you will discover how to develop a sustainable business around your idea or vision.

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