2016 is the year of user Have you ever heard of user experience? People often believe that making a product easier to use means that it has a “user experience.” For some, the term is new, but the truth is that the concept of user-friendly design has been around for a long time. One of IBM’s presidents, Thomas J. Watson, told his Wharton students in 1973 that “Good design is good business,” and that this would help a good product reach its full potential.
According to the User Experience
Professional Association (UXPA) , there are several definitions for the term, and UX is a development approach that incorporates user feedback throughout the entire cycle in order to reduce costs and create products that not only meet users’ needs but are also easy to use. In this approach, instead of focusing solely on aspects involving practicality and beauty, there is something bigger to be considered. Focusing on just one of the aspects is a mistake, as users perceive the experience holistically.
In general, UX focuses on improving
User satisfaction 2016 is the year of user by improving the way users canada telegram data interact with websites, apps, and devices: it’s also about making complex things easier to use.
Apple didn’t invent the smartphone, but it did create a new device with
UX in mind. Facebook wasn’t the first how to choose an ideal business financial management application? social network either, but its business model and its creator’s vision to continually evolve ensured its success. We also had other search engines before Google came along, but only Google made it possible for us to find more relevant information. These are examples of user experience.
If before, building beautiful websites and
Products was enough to be synonymous beb directory with a company that was in tune with the times, now development should 2016 is the year of user not only encompass a single area to design it. From now on, it will be increasingly necessary to work with the views of other professionals, for example, when it comes to building a website: to guarantee the user experience, it must not only be beautiful and functional, but also responsive, that is, it must automatically adapt to the different types and sizes of screens, and this concern is necessary because mobile is now fully.
According to a study by comScore, mobile
Devices account for 63% of the time spent by Brazilians. We spend 185 million minutes on mobile platforms (apps) and 23,480 on mobile websites, meaning we are using apps much more than websites. One of the most important insights from the study is that not only is the entire population becoming multiplatform, but that young people will become increasingly so, and in order to reach them, we will need to think of strategies on this medium.
Today, apps account for 80% of
The total time we spend on our mobile devices. We tend to open apps that we already have rather than type in a website address. Smartphone owners look at their screens up to 150 times a day, and each time they do so for a different reason: 2016 is the year of user to check messages from friends, updates on their social media timelines, music, weather forecasts, appointments and banking transactions, and of course to make calls.
Applications can be native and specifically for mobile devices
But websites to be responsive from now on. To be responsive, it is important to consider the concept of mobile first , that is, plan and develop it first for the characteristics of mobile devices and only then build the desktop version. There are currently tools that help with this definition. In addition to being responsive, other issues must be.
In large companies, it is normal to have a
Software and website development department, but what we are now seeing is that a marketing and business vision is in planning to improve the user experience through the distribution and correct positioning of content and calls-to-action on the screen, which keep the user comfortable reading and guide them to consume other content of interest. To do this, the company’s objectives are considered, which can range from selling more to consolidating its image as a reference in a given area. In other words, there to be a journey within the website so that the audience does not get lost or leave and so that the objectives are.